Wednesday, February 8, 2012


This is our first sermon in our "16 and not pregnant" Purity Conference.

Illustrate here: Uncut keys from a hardware store we have passed out an Uncut key to every student before the message. 

Here is the “key” to this key you have in your hand tonight it is called an “UNCUT KEY” which means that it is impossible to “UNLOCK” anything!

·       This key has not been cut because it has no reason to be right now.

·       There is no purpose for cutting this key!

o      I don’t have a lock to put it in…a door to open yet!

Song of Solomon 8:4 – “Do not UNLOCK or AROUSE love until the right time.”

·       We need to be “Uncut” until marriage. 

o      If you don’t have a key that can unlock the lock…it stays locked.

There is so much stuff out there right now about the issue of “waiting until you are married.”

·       Well I want to tell you tonight that staying (uncut) is God’s way!

**Saving your sexuality and that very special gift of purity God gave you for marriage is God’s idea…not a persons!!**

Let’s talk about Hebrews 13:4 – “Marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept pure!”

1.  Pure = Innocence! (Not losing innocence or opening a door yet)

a.  Everyone in here tonight has heard and seen a ton of stuff the wrong way.

b.  I want you to hear this tonight:

1.  The “marriage bed” is to be kept pure not just during marriage, but before marriage also!

2.  Marriage is honorable for God instituted it in the Garden of Eden knowing that it is not good that man would be alone.

3.  God married and blessed the first couple, the first parents of mankind, to direct all to look unto God in this great decision, and to marry in Christ.

2.    Master-Mission-Mate

a.  Many have made the mistake of thinking this verse is speaking just “in marriage” but it also means “before marriage.”  

1.  Lifetime covenants. Not contracts.

b.  Not just counting it adultery or cheating on your spouse when you are married, but before marriage “keeping yourself” pure sexually.

c.   We all know that God created Eve from Adam and they were made for each other.

Genesis 2:21 “So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the LORD God took out one of the man's ribs and closed up the opening. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man. 23 "At last!" the man exclaimed. "This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh!

She will be called 'woman,' because she was taken from 'man.'"

24 This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.”

d.  BUT how many of you actually believe that God has designed the perfect mate out there for your life, purposed, to help you fulfill your God mission and create Godly offspring?

e.  See in Genesis it says that God didn’t want man to be alone so He created woman to be his help mate.

1.  Not someone who takes him away from his God mission but to help him fulfill it!!!

Jesus said it like this in Matthew – “If you even lust after someone in your heart/mind, then you have already committed adultery with them…”

3.  Do you want to know what the most dangerous sexual organ is on your body? 

a.  It is your brain!

b.  The thing is you must start with…your thoughts…in order to stay pure!

c.   The key is to think of God and how He has set it up for sex!

Colossians 3:2 – Set your mind on things above “rather” than earthly things. (This simply means how would God do life?)

d.  Rather = I have a choice on what I entertain and think about!

e.  You will hear stuff, see stuff and come upon stuff that you should not even hear about or see until marriage…but that is the world we live in!

1.  Quote – “Not everyone is “doing it”, because if that were true, then that includes me and I’m not that guy!

2.  I’ve chosen to do this God’s way!

3.  I’m choosing to honor God, my wife, my children and their future.

Quote – The devil does not care if you “FLIRT” with God some (like going to church, honoring your parents, reading your Bible some), but God desperately cares if you “FLIRT” with the devil.

4.  Why? Because if you give into the perversions and twists of what Satan makes so innocent in sex, but really has destroyed what God originally set up…Then you will buy into a lie and cross lines!

Song of Solomon – “Do not awaken love until the right time!” And it’s repeated 3 times in the same book of the bible.

a.  What is the “right time”?????

1.  God’s time is marriage.

b.  You must stay so close to the Spirit of God so He’ll empower you with the strength to control your environment!

1.  The Bible has the only definition of safe sex and that is called marriage!

Here is the process in messing up your purity: 

1. Sexual images come from things you hear and see. 

2.  Sexual thoughts come from things you hear and see. 

3.  Sexual action is produced by what you have heard and seen!

So you need to watch what enters your life!

a.  Respect God’s word and listen very carefully to what He has to say, respect and honor Godly parents and what they have to say! 

b.  Keep your marriage bed pure before and during your marriage!

c.   Respect and honor your future.

d.  This is the only way to honor God!

5.  You make the choice to stay uncut!

a.  On your Honeymoon night go for it!

b.  “If you wait sex is great!”

c.   No shame, no baggage, no past mistakes, no pain, no STD’s, no unplanned pregnancies, and most importantly no sin.

This key represents your sexuality/purity/virginity.

·       There is no reason to cut this key…because according to Hebrews earlier – “The marriage bed is to be kept pure” before and during marriage!

·       This is Gods design for one man and one woman for LIFE!

Genesis says – “The two will become one flesh.”

·       Genesis also says that Adam had no sexual awakening until…listen now…until…”God woke Him up and Adam saw Eve!”

·       God is the one who awakens our sexuality and gives the “green light!”

Altar Call – Bring your key up here with you and let us dedicate your purity to God right now!

·       My father made a decision long ago to let society, his flesh, his desires, his addictions, to dictate to him how to live his life and it destroyed our home.

o      He made decisions without his heart, decisions with his selfishness, and decisions with his sexuality, decisions that forever ruined and dismantled our home.

o      I realized that when he began to let his guard down was the beginning of destruction.

§       When the devil gets you compromising the little things…it won’t be long before he begins to get you addicted, out of control, out of your right mind and destroying you.

o      You don’t have to test out every model of man/woman kind to know that God will connect you with the perfect one.

§       There is a mate that God designed for just you.

§       There is a blueprint for your life that was designed by a master relationship maker.

§       God knows you better than you know yourself.

§       He knows what you need want and desire and He is so willing to provide that for you.

§       He wants you more than anything to accomplish your God mission.

§       He loves us, He created us, He longs for that communication from us.

§       Know that you have a God mission and know that He will bring that to light for you furthermore that if it’s not a God mission you don’t want it.

o      Finally be patient, know that all things with God are worth waiting for.

This Purity Conference is running February 8th, 9th, and 10th nightly 7pm Free come join us!


Facebook:Youthrock Srfc

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