Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Purity (Guest blog post by Kassie Milner)

Purity, what does it mean to be pure: freedom from any admixture or modifying addition, freedom from guilt or evil; innocence, physical chastity; virginity.
Importance of purity:
1. Obedience: God has created someone specifically for you and He has told you to save yourself for them.
2. Patience: “Love is patient, love is kind, love is slowly losing your mind…” No, I’m just playing but love is patient and good things come to those who wait.
• We live in a society today where we want it and we want it right now! We got to live the “American Dream” the bigger the better, so and so just got and ipad well I want one bigger and better and I want one right now
• But patience is key, don’t be in a rush to give that certain part of you away BE PATIENT…
3. Wait: Good things come to those who wait; good things are worth waiting for!
• Wait for the one that God has created for you! Maybe you already found them, okay now wait until after you’re married… Oh but we are in love…
• Oh please, I know how high school relationships work…Jill was with this guy this week and next week she will be with another guy and she LOVED all of them and Jack he’s a little player, he has like five girls
• But if you are truly in love you guys would have enough respect for one another and wait until after you get married, I don’t care if you know that you know that you know that this is the person you are going to marry you need to wait and leave that part of your relationship a secret, save it for the honeymoon alright!
Sex was meant to be for one man and one women, it wasn’t meant for you to just hand it out to anyone (Cup of candy illustration)
• If you slowly, a little bit here and a little bit there, start giving your secrets away to every, not only are there chances of you getting pregnant or getting some kind of disease but when you do that, when your giving yourself away like that you barley have anything left to give the right person when they come along, the one you know want to be with forever
• BECAUSE you started sharing your secrets instead of keeping it, holding it and cherishing it.
• And when you open the door to that temptation, when you expose yourself to that, it’s really hard not to be thinking about it all the time or wanting it all the time
• When you get those impure thoughts and you have those impure desires it’s very clear that your actions will be impure also
• Galatians 5:19 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures,
• Job 14:4 who can bring purity out of an impure person? No one!
4. Fellas: Treating ladies with respect is very important, don’t look at us as something you can just get with to satisfy your needs or to show up your homies or whatever. We have feelings too and their needs to be respect!
- Timothy 4:19 “Treat older women as you would your mother and treat younger women will all purity as you would your own sister”
- Now, I know you wouldn’t walk around saying “wooow, did you see the booty on that blondie?” and your friend is like “dude that’s your sister!!”…”I know man but dannnng!!”
- You wouldn’t do it, you wouldn’t say something like that about your sister or to your sister, you wouldn’t think sextual thoughts or lust after your own sister so you need to have that respect for all these beautiful ladies around you. Respect them like they were your own momma or sister
5. Ladies: Same goes for you, respect!
- Ladies don’t go flaunting your stuff, “Heeey, I’m cute in my jeans!” model walking around the hall ways, don’t tempt these fellas, respect yourselves, keep yourself covered up, if you don’t have respect for yourself how do you expect anybody else to??
- Girls don’t be teasing the guys and guys don’t be teasing the ladies
- Let’s have respect for yourselves and others and not even open that door of temptations because once it’s open its very hard to shut!
Let’s make the decision to wait and to stay pure!
Volunteers, 3 guys and 3 girls (empty cup, half empty cup and full cup)
1. Do you want to be that someone who didn’t wait, they gave it all away and when they found the one they had nothing left to give?
2. Do you want to be that someone who shared some, maybe you fell into temptation here and there, not all the time but sometimes and when they found the one they still didn’t have much to give left to give
3. Do you want to be that someone who waited and waited and cherished that special thing waiting for that special someone and when the right time came they were able to give them everything that they were because they waited and they saved themselves for that ONE special person
Do you want to be someone who gives the one you love an empty cup, a half empty cup, or do you want to be that someone who is able to give a full cup, everything that you are to the one they love?
How would you feel if you were the one who shared it with whoever whenever and the person you marry waited for you. They cherished you; they respected you before they even knew who you were because they wanted to give something special, something whole, something that didn’t have any missing piece to you!?
Don’t be that person who gives all of their secrets out! Respect yourself, respect others and wait, wait until marriage!
If you wait, it will be greater than sleeping with all the guys or all the girls that you could have gotten within the time period that you were waiting!!
And if you already made that mistake, maybe you already fell into that temptation but you want to be pure again, maybe not physically but spiritual you can be. There is forgiveness, you don’t have to live in the past anymore, you don’t have to make those same mistakes anymore, you can make the decision right now to wait for the one person that you are going to marry. You can make that decision right now!!

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