Thursday, January 19, 2017

Influence your community

Matthew 5:13-16 NLT [13] "You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. [14] "You are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. [15] No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. [16] In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father."

1.      Influence your community.
1.      When we serve as Jesus commanded, using our gifts and talents to meet the needs of people around us, we become salt and light, pointing them toward God.
1.      We as Christians may seem feeble, needless, unimportant, and small to the vast world, but God help any society that attempts to exist without our influence.
1.      As Christ followers, we are assigned the position of influencing and impacting our world.
2.      Jesus called His followers to be front-line militia.
1.      Nowhere do we get the impression that Jesus wanted us to live in isolation, separated from the world.
1.      We are called to an outward expression of God's principles.
2.      Has the church lost its influence in the community?
1.      If the church has lost its influence its because Christians have neglected their responsibility to be salt and light in the world.
3.      Upon sharing with His disciples the Beatitudes(blessed/beautiful attitudes), which are essentially interior character qualities, Jesus hits them with two brilliant commands to be salt and light, which are essentially exterior change agent qualities.
1.      Why did Jesus commission us to be salt and light?
1.      He could have motivated us by saying, "You're the eagles of the world."
2.      Or, "You're the lions of the world."

Illustrate here: Eye of the tiger, by Survivor, put on gloves, hoodie dance around a minute.

1.      We could have had our own theme song, our own movie, our own activity to get people motivated!
3.      Or, "You're the heroes of the world."
1.      Understanding why Jesus used these terms reveals the substance of our influence.
2.      What do salt and light do?
1.      I believe the reason Jesus chose salt and light, is because of their unique qualities.
1.      Both carry enormous influence.
2.      Both have immediate impact.
3.      Both are noticed instantly.
4.      Both are difficult to veil.
5.      Both are found everywhere.
2.      Salt.
1.      "You are the salt of the earth" is so famous that it has become a proverb in the English language.
2.      If someone is genuine, useful, honest, straightforward, and without hypocrisy, we say they are "salt of the earth" type people.
1.      What did Jesus mean?
1.      Salt was one of the most common substances in the ancient world.
2.      Roman soldiers would revolt if they didn't get their ration.
3.      Our English word "salary" comes from the Latin word salarium, which literally means "salt-money."
1.      And our expression, "That man is not worth his salt," is a reminder of the high value that salt had in biblical times.
3.      What are its uses?
1.      Salt was a preservative preventing decay.
1.      Delaying spoilage.
2.      As we bring Christ's word and the Kingdom's influence into our society, we help protect from the onslaught of evil that would otherwise overtake it.
1.      Imagine our land with no churches, no ministries, no mission, no Christian colleges, no church-supported hospitals, no Christian social action groups, no Christian organizations ministering to those in need?
1.      When we lose this desire to salt the earth with the message of love and forgiveness of God, we become useless to Him.
2.      Salt is a seasoning.
1.      Christianity enhances life like seasoning enhances the flavor of food.
1.      Don't use to much!
1.      You can come on too strong.
2.      You can be too overwhelming, judgmental, producing shame and guilt and not sharing "good news!"
1.      The Gospel is good news.  
3.      You can ruin the entree with too much salt.
1.      Through the confines of relationship is the very best, very best way to minister and influence.
2.      The Christian is the personification of how life is to be lived.
3.      Salt is an antiseptic.
1.      While this sounds painful, the cleaning out of a wound with salt was very effective in fighting infection.
1.      Christians have a responsibility of not only pointing out sin, but offering healing and help.
4.      Salt creates thirst.
1.      As Jesus made people thirsty for God the Father, Christians make people thirsty for real life and purpose found only in Christianity.
1.      Heaven has strategically placed us all over our communities, workplaces, and living spaces to influence.
4.      Light.
1.      Jesus also declares "we are the light of the world."
2.      The dictionary defines light as a "source of illumination."
1.      Light dispels darkness.
1.      Christians, reflecting and carrying the light of Christ destroy spiritual darkness.
1.      Remember, because of Jesus Christ, we are the source of the light.
2.      Light reveals.
1.      Have you ever walked into a dark room and not known what was there?
2.      Then, suddenly, you flip the switch and every thing is revealed.
1.      As Christ's presence in our world, we become His instruments to reveal His truth to a world in darkness.
3.      Light awakens.
1.      We are to make people aware of the truth of God, awakening society to the presence of God and the lies of the enemy.
4.      Light warns.
1.      A lighthouse warns of dangerous waters.
2.      An emergency vehicles flashing lights alert us of them darting through traffic, Christians warn of the impending dangers that surrounds us.
3.      How to make an influencing impact?
1.      "Wait a second," you may be saying. "Surely, God did not mean me."
1.      I'm super busy.
2.      I have a very young family who needs a lot of attention.
3.      I'm working and going to school to amount to something when I grow up.
4.      I'm too old, too retired, fresh out of care and concern for others.
5.      I don't want to grow up. I'm a Toys-R-Us kid.
6.      I'm not sure I have the knowledge, skill, or abilities.
1.      Listen no matter what excuse you label it with you are putting off God, His mission, His cause, no one else.
1.      I'm not into scare tactics but we'll be judged by every action, every word, and every deed.
1.      Called to influence, we are to preach the Word of God with our lives, our actions, our words, and our beliefs.
2.      When Jesus said, "You..." He meant "You..."
1.      His words were not a suggestion, but a command.
2.      With urgency in His voice, Jesus says, "If you are salt, then season yourself in the lives of others! If you are light, then shine!"
1.      "How do I do that?"
1.      I'm so glad you asked!
3.      Recognize that your distinctiveness makes a difference.

"You are the salt of the earth . . . You are the light of the world" Matt. 5:13,14 NLT.

4.      Do you notice what is absent in this command?
1.      The words like or as.
1.      We are commanded to be salt and be light not just to be like salt or as light.
2.      The common denominator of salt and light is their uniqueness, their distinctness.
1.      There is nothing quite like salt.
1.      NoSalt, Salt Substitute, NuSalt.
2.      Call it what you want it's not the same!
2.      There is nothing quite like light.
3.      Just as salt is different than pepper, and light is distinct from darkness, so are Christians distinct from the world.
5.      It's that distinctiveness that makes a difference in the world.
1.      In business, it is called marketing.
2.      In advertising, it is called positioning.
3.      In sports, it is called strategy.
4.      In Christianity, it is called holiness.
1.      It is the distinguishing feature about us.
2.      It is what sets us apart from the rest of the world.
1.      In Jesus Christ, there is nothing I can do that would make Him love me more and nothing I have done that makes Him love me less.
6.      Stay close to Christ.
1.      Jesus warned His followers, Matthew 5:13
2.      Perhaps the most important thing about salt is that in its purest form it never loses its taste.
3.      Salt will always be salt.
4.      It is an extremely stable compound.
1.      Salt will always be faithful to be, salt.
5.      You can put it in a dish, walk away, come back ten years later, and it will still be salt.
1.      The only way salt can lose its saltiness is to be mixed with something else.
2.      To be diluted.
1.      No one wants that kind of affect.
1.      I would like my marriage to be diluted with fake love and romance, just a little.
2.      Sure you can pay me cash just dilute it with a few fakes.
3.      Totally fine, just dilute my grass fed beef or free range chicken with vegetables or soy, whatever's closest.
4.      I would love to pay $5 for a terribly diluted coffee, soda, or lemonade.
1.      The only thing that is not diluted is McDonalds sweet tea!
1.      Wow potent! I'm pretty sure you could take off paint with that stuff.
6.      The point Jesus is making that it is dangerously easy for Christians to become diluted and lose their salty, preserving, influence in the world.
1.      If we are not affecting our world, the world is affecting us.
2.      If we are not preserving the world, the world is rotting us.
3.      In order to prevent the world from affecting us, we must stay in close contact with the ultimate influence, the source of salt and light, Christ Himself.

Illustrate here: Glow in the dark's guarantee: If you want me to shine in the night, keep me in the light.
1.      So it is with us.
2.      We must expose ourselves to Jesus.
1.      Spend time in His Word.
2.      Communicate to Him through prayer, and may I remind you prayer is a two way street.
1.      You speak, God listens, then He responds.
2.      God speaks, you listen, then you respond.
3.      Worship, giving, serving, fasting these are the actions and attributes of Christians.
1.      A weekly contact produces a weak influence.
2.      A daily contact produces a dynamic influence.
3.      Make your works visible.

Matthew 5:14b NLT "a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden."

4.      Our influences, however small or great, will be visible.
1.      Salt can be tasted.
2.      Light can be seen.
1.      Great effort has to be made to cover up either.
5.      Jesus is calling us to be high definition Christians, vibrant and visible.
1.      Salt in a shaker and light under something makes no impact.

Illustrate here: Salt shaker and a light with a bucket over it.

6.      Christianity void of visible deeds of compassion, influences no one.
4.      The sphere of our impact.
1.      Matthew 28, Jesus is laying the foundation for a worldwide challenge.
1.      Interestingly, Matthew's gospel is the most "Jewish" in character.
2.      The author's main purpose is to convince the Jews that Jesus is their Messiah.
1.      Yet, he is making it abundantly clear that the witness and influence of followers of Christ is not restricted to the the Jews.
2.      Or our little group.
1.      The sphere of the Christian's influence is the whole world.
1.     We are salt to the earth.
2.     We are light to the world.
1.      Diluting or reducing that to anything less restricts the authority, mercy and grace of Christ.

Colossians 4:4-6 NLT [4] "Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should. [5] Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. [6] Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone."

3.      When we tell others about Christ, it is important always to be gracious in what we say.
1.      Boldness does not translate into rudeness.
1.      No matter how much sense the message makes, we lose our effectiveness if we are not courteous.

1.      Just as we like to be respected, we must respect others if we want them to listen to what we have to say.

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