Wednesday, May 4, 2016

#selfless people stop thinking small/week 3

I pray that you have been connected, committed, and conscious about your 30 days of #selfless commitment.

#Selfless is the way of life from our example Jesus Christ.

We mentioned to you that there is a better way. A better way to minister and meet the needs of those around and about you.

1.      This church is about strengthening, encouraging, and empowering our community through strengthening, encouraging, and empowering it's people.
1.      This is the vision and dream of the global church.
1.      That we would go into all the world and make disciples of every nation, tribe, tongue and people group.
2.      I need you, more importantly God needs you, He needs your prayers, your care, your compassion, and your vision for others.
2.      #Selfless people stop thinking small, they dream, serve, engage, and then they repeat that process.
2.      #Selfless people stop thinking small and they dream.
1.      Listen closely and you should write this down. “Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open.”  Thomas Dewar
1.      Parachute joke.
2.      A closed parachute is not living up to it's potential.
1.      Closing your mind off to the Spirit of God and the power of God is dangerous, destructive and not living up to it's full potential.
2.      If every one of us went home and committed specific time to prayer for our church, it would completely alter the dynamics of it.
3.      If every one of us went home and purposed specific financial sacrifices to be given to our church there would be no need there would be abundance.
4.      If every one of us went home desired and designated expectancy for our church God would meet us here.
1.      He would meet us here so powerfully, so passionately because scripture still declares that God fills those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
1.      He is still filling with the power of the Holy Spirit.
2.      He is still filling with service to others.
3.      He is still filling with hope, He is still filling with abundant life, and He is still filling with purpose.
1.      Our Worship Team practices 1 hour before service and 1 to 2 hours after service.
2.      Then they have to work, exercise, and sharpen their talent.
3.      Next, they listen the the new worship music that the Worship Pastor, Alec has assigned them to focus on, this takes specific time, specific energy, and specific effort.
1.      They see a greater picture.
2.      They don't see worship as the end but as an introductory moment into meeting up with the Maker and Creator of all things.
4.      If they do not why would spend those kind of volunteer hours and volunteer commitments on nothing?
5.      They see a bigger picture because they have been trained to see a bigger picture.
1.      Having dreamed of the bigger picture, that this church will be the influence of Christ in this community.
1.      When you dream the power is actually in the actions behind the revelation of the dream. 
1.      What will you do with the dream?
1.      Dream, then act! 
2.      Dream, then act!
3.      #Selfless people stop thinking small and they serve.
1.      I'm not sure why it is that we always consider others first, in line, when it comes to serving but always consider ourselves first, in line, when it comes to being served.
1.      This is forward thinking in our culture but backward thinking in the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 20:20-28 20"Then the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus with her sons. She knelt respectfully to ask a favor. 21 "What is your request?" He asked. She replied, "In your Kingdom, please let my two sons sit in places of honor next to you, one on your right and the other on your left." 22 But Jesus answered by saying to them, "You don't know what you are asking! Are you able to drink from the bitter cup of suffering I am about to drink?" "Oh yes," they replied, "we are able!" 23 Jesus told them, "You will indeed drink from my bitter cup. But I have no right to say who will sit on my right or my left. My Father has prepared those places for the ones He has chosen." 24 When the ten other disciples heard what James and John had asked, they were indignant. 25 But Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. 26 But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. 28 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many."

2.      Vs. 20 what great role will I play in the Kingdom of God? Lead Role?
1.      Where is my special place Lord that you have placed me in?
1.      I know it's special.
2.      I know it's powerful.
3.      I know that many will come to know you because of me.
2.      Jesus Himself was a suffering servant who laid down His life for us.
1.      If our Master was a servant, how much more should we humble ourselves and serve?
3.      There are 3 decisions I have made, that I consider to be the greatest decisions of my life, the rest of them are still up for question:
1.      Asking Tara Leann Reynolds to marry me.
1.      Obviously that would be first on her list as well!
2.      Making a decision follow Jesus Christ as the King and leader of my life.
3.      Connecting myself and connecting my family to the local church. 
1.      Deeply committing to it's purposes and cause.
1.      This world has tried to ban the Word of God, block the Word of God, burn the Word of God, belittle the Word of God and yet the bible declares that God's Word will forever stand.
1.      The only thing higher than His Name is His Word.
1.      A name is only as good as the word of the person behind that name.
4.      I have learned and gleaned so much from the local church through serving and ministering to the lives of others.
5.      I have made some of the greatest relationships of all time and they were born in the local church.
6.      I have been on trips across town or across national borders and make more friends and connections.
1.      We are a part of a global, galactic, mission and cause.
1.      I have learned how to pray, to give, and to go at the local church and this is the heartbeat of God.
2.      I don't just want my children to learn about football, basketball, volleyball or cheer, I want them to experience God in all His love, the Holy Spirit in all His power, and Jesus Christ in all His forgiveness.
1.      If I give them nothing else, this I will impart!

Illustrate here:
7.      In 1997 there were 1,587 players on the opening day rosters of the National Football League teams. Now 44 of those players came from Notre Dame and 36 of them came from Penn State.
1.      Hundreds and hundreds of schools yet over 5% of all the players on the opening day rosters to play professional football were from 2 schools.
2.      Well as far as Ive been able to find out there were only 2 schools at that time which did not put the names of their players on the jerseys.
3.      Now what does that have to do with anything?
4.      Well, if you are a football fan youve noticed that the quarterback, the wide receivers, and the running back get far more than their share of the attention.
5.      And yet the truth of the matter is the coaches understand that youve got to have 11 guys on offense and 11 on defense. When youre short just one player youre not going to have a good season or even a real good team.
6.      Every player is important and as they understand that, the whole team works together efficiently and effectively.
7.      NFL coaches understand that individual talent is important but teams win games.
8.      Players who know that "unity is their greatest weapon."
1.      We need teamwork regardless of what we do.
1.      The church is no different.
2.      This ministry is no different.
3.      Parenting is no different.
4.      Marriage is no different.
5.      If you are not a team player and you only have your personal agenda, personal goals, personal future ideas and you never think of the team then the team will never stand out with you on it.
1.      The team only stands out as the team functions as a team.
1.      In doing so we then fulfill His plan for the church, His plan for the ministry, His plan for our lives, and His plan for the future.
1.      I'm just honored to be on God's team.
1.      I truly do not care what role I play in...
4.      #Selfless people stop thinking small and they engage.
1.      I can't.
2.      I don't have-time.
3.      I don't have the resources.
4.      I don't have the training.
5.      I don't have the ability.
6.      I don't have the strength.
7.      I don't have the health.
8.      I don't have the drive.
1.      I can not do what God is asking of me to do.
2.      No way for me to do it alone!

Illustrate Here: Solo cup illustration!!!!
3.      #Selfless people always see the big picture.
1.      God is not asking you to accomplish His mission alone He has placed you in the local church and you are a part of the global church.
1.      Engaged in the purposes of God for such a time as this, to a generation such as this, in a culture such as this that you may influence it and lead it.
2.      #Selfless people always see Christ's sacrifice as their greatest privilege.
1.      "It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn't matter who gets the credit." Unknown
9.      I have witnessed leader after leader, after leader leave it to so many others to inspire church growth, to inspire church health.
1.      It is someone else's responsibility to make disciples, it is someone else's job to come early, set up, pray, or think about a great service.
2.      Some one else should mentor, someone else should lead, some one else should give, some one else should serve.

Hebrews 9:27 NLT [27] "And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment,"

3.      I will stand before God the bible declares to answer for every action, every word, and every deed.
1.      I will stand alone on my own works, merits, accolades, and deeds.
2.      Or I will stand with Jesus Christ as my substitute.

Ephesians 1:7 "He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins."

4.      I will stand before God to answer for every inaction, every turned away opportunity and every missed ministry moment.
1.      An acquaintance of mine Dino's Rizzo  church, Jordan Michael Gautreau
1.      22 Years old stepped out into eternity.
2.      One of his friends who spoke at the funeral said when Jesus came for Jordan He was found serving.
1.      I want to be found a faithful and committed servant of God.
2.      I don't want to be weighed in the balances and be found wanting. 

Daniel 5:27 NLT [27] "Tekel means 'weighed'-you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up."

5.      #Selfless people stop thinking small and they repeat.
1.      They have seen the process of God work so they engage others in it.  
1.      Individuals get worried, they get stressed, and they get overwhelmed.
2.      Teams run smoothly, run accurately and continue to run because they have long term purposes, long term goals, long term agendas based upon Gods plan not upon a man.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”

2.      I think and believe as Christians that we should actually live our lives in a way that forces people to think bigger than they are comfortable thinking.
1.      Your Christianity should have a level of discomfort to others.
1.      When they see the Will of God working, when they see the Word of God taking you forward, when they see that God is alive and Hes living in and through you.
2.      As they see the hand of God upon you, upon your children, upon your emotions, upon your finances, upon your career, and upon your marriage, it will be unquestionable.
3.      So many leaders want to be in the scene/seen moments of Christianity and don't want to prepare themselves in the secret place.
1.      You should have a time and a place that you connect with God, daily!
1.      To have great influence you have to have had great connection in the secret place with God.
2.      When no one is looking, and when no one seems to be paying attention I promise you God is acknowledging your sacrifice.
3.      He is watching as you are serving or refuse to serve.
4.      He knows your heart better than you do.
John 3:16
1.      A Great Love-For God so loved the world,
2.      A Great Gift-that He gave His only begotten Son,
3.      A Great Opportunity-that whosoever believes in Him
4.      A Great Deliverance-should not perish,

5.      A Great Possession-but have everlasting life.

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