Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Reach One Reach Many-A new commandment

John 13:34 "So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are My disciples."

1.      A New Commandment.
1.      I have read this text hundreds of times.
2.      No kidding.
3.      I have heard it quoted more times than I can count in almost 21 years of being a follower of Jesus, and until this study in this series, I had never really thought about what the text is saying.
1.      This alone is by far one of the reasons I love the Bible.
2.      No matter how many times you read it, you can always learn something new.
3.      If you will allow the Holy Spirit He will teach you new things.
4.      I always heard it as Jesus call to love one another.
1.      But what about all that new commandment stuff He's talking about?
5.      The call to love one another is not a new commandment at all.
1.      Its an old commandment.
1.      Just because something is old doesn't mean it should be disregarded.

Matthew 22:36-40 36"Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?" 37 Jesus replied, "'You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments."

6.      But later in Johns gospel, Jesus says He is giving a new commandment about love for our neighbor, it is not just love your neighbor as yourself. 
1.      According to Jesus it is a new commandment.
1.      There are basically two ways that we could say new in Greek.
1.      We could say neos which is the word for something new in the sense that it was not there before, but now it is. 
2.      Or we could say kainos which is the word for something even better than what was  already there before.
2.      Its the second word, kainos, that Jesus uses in John 13.
1.      A commandment that is even better than the original commandment about loving others.
2.      In the original commandment, love for my neighbor was measured by the standard of how well I love myself.
7.      As a side note, I am personally convinced that this is a statement suggesting that I actually already love myself quite a lot.
1.      And if I can direct that same intensity of love toward others, I will, as this commandment has it, be loving my neighbor as God intends.
1.      In this commandment, my love for myself is the measure of how I am to love others.
1.      Yet in Jesus new commandment, the measure of love for others is altered and refocused to Jesus and His love for His disciples.
2.      He says to them, Love one another just as I have loved you. 
8.      Jesus uses this term just as. 
1.      Jesus is not saying, Since I love you, you should love your neighbor.
2.      Thats not what "just as" means.
3.      Nope.
1.      It means in the same manner, with the same quality, and in the same way that I love you, love one another.
2.      Use the same things to show each other love that I have modeled, that I have lived out, that you have read about and heard of me.
1.      This is not about paying it forward.
2.      This is about doing love for others in the same manner that Jesus does love for others.
3.      This is about self-giving love that does not stop until the self-giving love equals the same quality and quantity of self-giving love shown by Jesus Himself. 
4.      In this equation, my love for myself is no longer the standard of love for others.
1.      Instead, Jesus love for us is the new measure of love.
2.      This is the "new commandment."
3.      This is the new standard.
9.      This is liberating on at least two levels.
1.      For the person who really loves him/herself a lot.
2.      For the person who claims not to love him/herself much, or at all.
1.      In either case, we can rejoice that our relative level of love for self is no longer the measure, the example, the quality, or the degree to which we are to love others.
2.      Instead, we are to look to Jesus and let Him be the standard by which we evaluate love for others.
10.There is a commandment that has echoes of the original, but is much better!
1.      Its better because the standard for love of others is no longer how much, or the manner in which I love myself.
2.      The new measure of love for others is Jesus.
2.      Jesus does not want me to love my neighbor as myself.
1.      He wants me to love others in the same way that He loves me.
1.      I have a lot to learn about this.
2.      Ill have to keep following Jesus because I simply cant do this without Him.
3.      But I want to learn to do it from Him.
1.      The bible calls the Holy Spirit our teacher in all things.

John 14:26 "But when the Father sends the Advocate as My representativethat is, the Holy SpiritHe will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you."
1.      The Holy Spirit reminds us disciples of what Jesus taught and lived out in person.
2.      The Holy Spirit teaches us what Jesus taught and lived out in person.
3.      The Holy Spirit will guide your steps.
4.      The Holy Spirit is never self serving.
1.      That means this Christ follower is about strengthening and encouraging this community, encouraging the globe, through strengthening and empowering people.
2.      That means this church is about strengthening and encouraging this community, encouraging the globe, through strengthening and empowering people.
2.      If we were to reach one person in this way and teach them this way what sort of impact could it make upon us as individual Christ followers, what sort of impact could it have upon us as a local church body?
3.      What sort of impact could it have upon us as a global body?
4.      Think of this every Christian, spanning every denomination, reaching one person with the love of Jesus Christ.
1.      We would double the Christian population within the span of time it took us to administrate and show love.
1.      As of 2010, Christianity was by far the world's largest religion, with an estimated 2.2 billion adherents, nearly a third (31%)of all 6.9 billion people on Earth.
2.      Islam was second, with 1.6 billion adherents, (or 23 percent) of the global population.
1.      Last week Nick told us that there are currently 2.6 billion who have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.
2.      We have our work cut out for us.
1.      Might I remind you that nothing is impossible with God.
2.      Nothing is impossible to them that believe.
3.      Those numbers are predicted to shift in the coming decades, as the world's population rises to 9.3 billion by the year 2050.
4.      In that time the projections are that Islam will grow by 73% while Christianity will grow by 35% resulting in 2.8 billion Muslims and 2.9 Christians worldwide.
5.      Then in 2070 the Muslim population will eclipse Christianity if current trends continue.
1.      Some of us will see this happen in our lifetimes then our children, our children's children will witness the rest.
1.      Christianity can not die with me.
2.      Christianity will not die with me.
3.      Jesus Christ laid down His everything for mankind.
1.      We do not effectively understand the value of one person.
2.      We do not comprehend the importance of the mission that Christ has given unto us.
3.      We do not currently connect to the great purpose that dwells inside each of us.
4.      There is no way we can fully and completely perceive the magnitude of the goal that we have in front of us. 
1.      We do not see our selves that valuable let alone the soul of another.
2.      If we don't consciously, courageously, and collectively go after people to disciple them,  we'll reach no one, I promise they won't come after us.
1.      People will always be distracted, people will always have other things to do.
2.      People will always be busy doing the things they wish to do.
3.      People will always be doing the things that they believe are most important for them.
1.      We have to enable them to see the importance of Christ, we have to encourage them to see His sacrifice.
1.      To encourage others.
1.      I want to push, prompt, and stimulate others to live faithfully for Jesus Christ.
5.      The House of God should always be a place where you can come and know that you will be accepted and loved!
1.      Acceptance is not agreement.
2.      I don't have to agree with your thoughts, your lifestyle, or your choices, to show you love and acceptance.
1.      This place should be the greatest place on earth!
2.      Free from disrespect, free from hate, free from discrimination, and free from stereotyping, everyone living in the love of Jesus Christ!
3.      Love as Christ loved us.
1.      We have been known for our commandments.
2.      We have been known for our hate.
3.      We have been known for our judgment.
4.      We have been known for our ridicule.
1.      I want to be known for our love.
2.      I want to be known for valuing God, valuing others, and valuing the mission of Jesus Christ.
3.      I want to be known for statements like:
1.      Found people find people.
2.      Saved people serve people.
3.      Growing people change.
4.      You can't do life alone.
5.      You can't out give God.

Hebrews 10:25 NLT "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near."

6.      We have a new commandment!
1.      Love as Christ loved.
1.      When you love as Christ loved, there is no ridicule, there is no judgment.
2.      There is truth and truth is continually and correctively shared.
3.      Christ gave everything.
4.      Christ sacrificed everything.
5.      Christ loved everyone.
6.      Christ died for every last one of us.
1.      That's our good news.
2.      One man Jesus died to reach the world.
1.      To the reach the unreached.
2.      To reach the unreachable.
3.      Died to reach those that would reject Him, those that do reject Him, those that will reject Him.
1.      Still I am to do one thing, reach any way.

James 2:8-13 NLT [8] "Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: "Love your neighbor as yourself." [9] But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law. [10] For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God's laws. [11] For the same God who said, "You must not commit adultery," also said, "You must not murder." So if you murder someone but do not commit adultery, you have still broken the law. [12] So whatever you say or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law that sets you free. [13] There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when He judges you."

2.      Breaking the law of God on any and every level is rebellion against God and therefore sin.
1.      This is what the scripture is saying.
2.      We as Christ followers must be careful that we don't look at ourselves more highly than we ought.
1.      We are saved through faith in Jesus Christ, not by any thing we do, give, say or share. 
1.      Reach as Christ reached.
2.      Sacrifice as Christ sacrificed.

3.      Love as Christ loved, selfless and abandoned.

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