Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fuel for the fire

Ezekiel 20:47-48.."I am about to ignite a fire in you.."

Ignite-catch fire or cause to catch fire

Matthew 3:4-11 NLT "[4] John's clothes were woven from coarse camel hair, (stylish) and he wore a leather belt around his waist. (Very stylish) For food he ate locusts and wild honey. (sounds like a great diet) [5] People from Jerusalem and from all of Judea and all over the Jordan Valley went out to see and hear John. [6] And when they confessed their sins, he baptized them in the Jordan River. [7] But when he saw many Pharisees and Sadducees coming to watch him baptize, he denounced them. "You brood of snakes!" he exclaimed. "Who warned you to flee God's coming wrath? [8] Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God. [9] Don't just say to each other, 'We're safe, for we are descendants of Abraham.' That means nothing, for I tell you, God can create children of Abraham from these very stones. [10] Even now the ax of God's judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire. [11] "I baptize with water those who repent of their sins and turn to God. But someone is coming soon who is greater than I am-so much greater that I'm not worthy even to be his slave and carry His sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."

   We find a man here in the word John the Baptist who was definitely on the best dressed list of all the bible, I think it would have been uncomfortable and itchy he wore a camel's hair tunic and a belt, ate locusts and honey.
   I dig this guy he wore what he want, he ate what he wanted to, preached where he wanted to and everyone came to him.
   He wasn't trying to get to where everyone was he didn't try to say oh please come and listen to me, no he just preached but something about what he was saying was so intense, so enticing, so drawing that in vs. 5 it says that Jerusalem, Judea, and all over the Jordan Valley came to see, hear him and be baptized.
   They said to the last guy turn the lights out when you leave we're going.
   They all went out to where he was, they wanted to hear what he was saying they wanted to "experience" what was going on.
   Sometimes you gotta go somewhere to get what God wants to give you.
   You can't just sit around waiting on Him, He's waiting on you.
   Put your faith into action.
   You have to go after it if you want to get what God has.

Vs.11 Matthew 3:11 NLT [11] "I baptize with water those who repent of their sins and turn to God. But someone is coming soon who is greater than I am-so much greater that I'm not worthy even to be his slave and carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."

   What John the Baptist is saying is I can point you towards God and you need that, you need to repent of your sins, you need to get things right.
   I can point you towards Him but there is one who is coming who literally carries the presence of God and He can bring God to you and when He brings the presence of God it's gonna be like a blazing fire.
   It's interesting it doesn't just say that you'll experience the Holy Spirit he says, "and fire."
   Why is that in there?
   You see right throughout the bible it speaks of the fire of God.
   In the Old Testament in Leviticus every time it says to bring an offering to God it says let it be an offering with fire.
Never let the fire go out.
   There's something about fire that symbolizes God.
   Right through to Revelation where in 4:5 it speaks of the 7 lamps of fire which represent the spirits of God that literally God is like a fire.
   Acts 2 after Jesus come and died for all humanity, then rose again from the dead He says I'm going but I'm going to send the Holy Spirit.
   Then the Spirit comes and it says that literally there appeared amongst the people on them like tongues of fire.
   So many times in scripture when the presence of a God is mentioned it speaks of it like a fire.

Hebrews 12:28-29 "[29] For our God is a consuming fire."

   The presence of God is like fire it's a way that the bible uses to explain and show a little bit of what the character of a God is.
   When you walk with Jesus you walk with His fire in you and on you.
   There should be fire about you, there should be a fire burning on the inside.
   So what does Gods fire do?
   What does it do in our life?
   Why does the bible explain God as a consuming, devouring fire?
   Why does John the Baptist use this word fire?
   I think because it helps us to understand what God wants to do in and through our life.

1.      Fire gives you energy.
1.      Fire gives you energy not just for anything but for the purpose of God.
2.      Most of us came here by car, bus, golf cart, van, plane, or train they all used fire.
1.      Hopefully your car was not on fire.
3.      In the engine there are a number of cylinders, inside those cylinders are little ignitions of fire that give your engine the ability to push your car forward.
4.      If there is no fire you are going no where.
1.      It's like having a really nice car in the garage but never doing anything with it.
2.      It looks good, you can know all about it.
1.      That's exactly what happens to some people about the purpose of God.
2.      They can know the word, they can explain  the purpose of God, who He is and find it in scripture but they are doing nothing with it, nothing with Him.
3.      We need some people who've got some fire burning on the inside that's causing you to go where you've gotta go.
4.      There are people out there who are going to criticize you, hassle you, harass you, haggle you about having faith in God but keep pushing, keep feeding the fire, keep fueling your spirit.    

Isaiah 40:29-31 NLT [29] He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless."

5.      When the fire of God gets in you what looked like an insurmountable task what looked impossible and way beyond you something changes completely when the fire of God shows up. 

2.      Fire refines.
1.      Burns away the sin and the impurities in our lives.
1.      For Gold to be of it's maximum value you gotta heat it up.
2.      Melt it down, imperfections come to the surface you get rid of them and start the process again.
3.      There is a purity that comes from the fire.
4.      We don't always like it when God begins to pinpoint something in our lives that He wants us to correct but it's the very thing that's holding you back from doing the impossible.
2.      You can't have the fire of God in one area of your life and it not affect all areas.
1.      Hot or cold.
1.      When it's hot it's gonna deal with the bad stuff to make more room for the good stuff.
2.      When you deal with those things the fire of God will refine you and you'll shine with brilliance.
3.      When you say God I will step out and get involved the refining fire of God begins it's work.
4.      Keep fueling it.
1.      God it's not about me it's about others, you can work in and through my life, do what you need to do to use me for your honor.
2.      I'm not gonna give up, I'm not gonna give in I will feed the fire of God so I can be all God has called me to be.
3.      Let the fire burn inside of you, burn away the mess, the drama, the sin, the attitudes, the fears, the insecurities, the hurts, habits, and hang-ups of our lives
3.      Fire gives warmth.
1.      Jesus many times talked about the one.
1.      The fire of God brings warmth to those that are lost, to those that are cold, to those that are alone. 
2.      You might be in this place and you might feel like that.
1.      No one can understand what you are dealing with, going through or have experienced, but God is here and He desires to bring healing, peace, comfort and love to your brokenness with the fire of His surrounding, embracing, forgiving arms.
2.      Giving you hope and strength in your situation.

Mark 2:17 NLT [17] When Jesus heard this, he told them, "Healthy people don't need a doctor-sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners."

3.      If you want the fire of God to warm you, to heal you, to restore you, you've got to say God I need it, God I need you. 
4.      If you say in yourself well I've got it all covered, all sorted out then you are not going to experience God but if you are there saying God I need what you have for me you will be overwhelmed with His fire.

4.      Fire is completely unpredictable.
1.      There should be something unpredictable about your life.
1.      If you've met the creator of the universe there should be nothing boring about you.
2.      God created everything and He is creative so that makes me creative.
1.      The clouds are the dust of His feet the earth is His footstool, He shaped the mountains with His hands, carved the rivers with His fingers, flung the stars into the sky and calls them by name.
2.      Fire is unpredictable you don't know where it's gonna go or what it's going to do.
1.      They have accounts of fires blazing so strong that they have literally jumped highways, rivers, and valleys to get to more destruction with nothing to slow it down or disable it.
2.      That's the kind of fire I want in my life. 
1.      Jesus lived unpredictable.

5.      Fire gives light which overwhelms the darkness.

John 1:4-5 NLT "[4] The Word gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought light to everyone. [5] The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it."

1.      You might be facing some dark things, the fire of God can bring light into the midst of your world.
2.      I was thinking about how cameras used to be, everything is now digital but cameras with film. 

Illustrate here: pull out a roll of film.

1.      If you still have one of those hang on to it they will pay you for it and put it in a museum some day.
3.      But these cameras with film, the film was always called a negative.
1.      And your negative you developed in a dark room.
1.      It's how some people live their life.
2.      They take a whole lot of pictures of life and it's all negative.
3.      Then they go into the dark room where they develop the negative.
1.      Which is a picture of their life.
2.      But you see in the middle of developing the negative some silly crazy individual opens the door and it lets in the light and what is the light gonna do to the negative?
1.      It's gonna destroy the negative...
1.      And that's exactly what Jesus does He comes into the dark places and destroys the negative picture of your life and shows you what your life can be. 
2.      He wants to show you what your life can be.
1.      Jesus isn't afraid of the dark.
2.      The dark is afraid of Jesus.
1.      Just like the boogeyman He checks His closet for Chuck Norris every night.
4.      There might be darkness in your world right now and I believe that's why your here is so that God can show you His light, His fire.
5.      They say it gets darkest just before the daylight and it might seem really dark to you but God's fire brings light that overwhelms the darkness.
1.      It has to flee.
1.      The darkness runs away from the light, it has too, it's made to.
2.      When you open your heart and life to God you literally expose your life to His light and it overwhelms the darkness.

6.      Fire makes a scene.
1.      It draws people to it.
1.      If you make a bonfire you can watch it for hours I think they call it the camping television. 
2.      There is something captivating about its way, it's strength, it's light.
2.      John Wesley said words to this this affect "Set me on fire God that people may come and watch me burn." 
1.      Something happens when the fire of God is upon you.
2.      The fire of God upon you will make a difference in your life, in your home, in you school, on your job, in your church, in your community, and in the globe, I believe it.
1.      People will want it.

7.      Fire changes whatever it comes in contact with.
1.      You can tell where a fire has been.
2.      Things are never the same when a fire comes through.
1.      Fire has an effect upon the environment and literally promotes new growth.
2.      In fact they say that during a fire that there are some seeds that won't open until the intensity of a blazing fire comes through to crack open that husk to release the seed into new growth.
1.      Fire brings change, there are some of you that have seeds of dreams, seeds of growth, seeds of impact, seeds of your destiny, seeds of the greatness that God has placed inside if you that have been lying dead and dormant for too long.

8.      Fire is no respecter of people.
1.      A beautiful mansion or an old tin shed doesn't matter what's in the path of that fire it will soon be fuel.
1.      Where ever Jesus went, whatever the disease, what ever the ailment, what ever the sickness, what ever the demon it didn't matter just like fire, it doesn't care as long as there is fuel the fire is gonna burn.
1.      Daniel & Jamie.
2.      Where there is faith on the inside whatever is in the path of the fire of God is going to receive something of change from that fire.
1.      Fuel the fire.
2.      When faith is ignited there is no limit to what God can do.
9.      Your life is fuel to the fire.
1.      Your life is fuel to the cause.
2.      Your life is fuel to the purpose of God.

Illustrate here: bring logs to the fire.

1.      Bring yourself to the fire.
2.      Bring yourself to the cause.
3.      Show up to keep it burning.
1.      Bring that abuse.
2.      Bring that frustration.
3.      Bring that fear.
4.      Bring that insecurity.
5.      Bring that failure.
6.      Bring that sin.
7.      Bring more of you.

Jeremiah 29:11 NLT "[11] For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

1.      The Devil has plans to destroy you, has plans for your demise, has plans to distract you, God has a plan for you that's good, that's not for disaster, that gives us a future and a hope.

1.     Never let the fire go out.

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