Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Kassie Koelling
Missions Sunday
May 4th,2014

       Be His heart
       Be His hands
       Be His voice

Mission: an important task or duty that is assigned, allotted, or self-imposed.
       To send off.
The mission for a man or woman in the military is to:
-       They go through all this training, boot camp, preparing them for their ultimate mission
-       Protect their country
When they are deployed on a specific mission, they have to accomplish whatever it is that they were sent off to do before they can return home right, then dont return from the mission with the mission half done.
-       conquer a country
-       fight in some battle/war
-       whatever that it may be
When your out there mowing your lawn, your not going to half way to do it, your not going to cut half of it and call it good, Oh man that looks perfect.

A mission is a goal, its an assignment that needs to finished!

As Christians our mission is to:
-       rescue the lost
-       disciple the found

Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore GO, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.  And be sure of this, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Our assignment, our mission is to fulfill the GREAT COMMISSION and Jesus tells us right here exactly what to do, its plain and simple.
-       go and make disciples of all nations…”

Its not complicated! He didn't say well first you need to come here and do some basic training, then you need to come here and practice, then you need to go there and do that and THEN you will be qualified..
-       Noknowing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior makes you qualified to GO and tell everyone else!
-       Thats it, thats all the qualification that you need

Our mission is BIG, go and make disciples of ALL NATIONS…”
-       It doesn't just say THIS nation,the United States of America, it says ALL NATIONS That means:
-       Every tribe
-       Every tongue
-       Every people group
-       Every nation

Its our job, those of us who already are disciples of Christ, to go out and give others the opportunity to be disciples as well.
- But how will they know if we don't go and tell them?

-       There is about 7 billion people in this world and about 2.7 billion people have never ever had the opportunity to hear the Gospel before.  
-       They haven't been given the opportunity to say yes to salvation, to say yes to the call that God has placed on their lives, to say yes to the mission
-       They haven't been given that opportunity

Because people like us, who have heard the Gospel, haven't truly done the one thing that  God has commanded us to do and thats to make disciples of all nations. (Matthew)
-       I know that all of us have our own callings, some of us are called to be pastors, some missionaries, some doctors, p.e teaches, stay at home moms, but ALL of us were called to share the gospel!
-        It doesn't matter what you do, where youre at during the day, THAT IS YOUR ULTIMATE JOB, YOUR ULTIMATE MISSION, to share the Gospel
-       To share the gospel with your friends, your family, your co-workers, everyone around you

       Now, lets be honest with ourselves, when we think about missions or talk about missions some of us,  probably most of us, think that missions is just overseas missions and you may say, Well Im not called to be a missionary so I dont need to do THATthe people who were called, the missionaries will take care of THAT.and Ill just sit here in my pewIm not called to do THAT so its okay you go ahead
-       Im going to be honest with you, for a ling time I had that same mind set, I thought that missions was just overseas, although I was very wrong, thats what I believed for a long time!
-        And those of us who are called to be missionaries are going to go overseas and share the Gospel with tribes, nations and people groups who have never heard before, thats just what we are going to do
    - Now, I personally have a passion to reach the unreached, not just the lost but the people who have never heard before, I have a passion to go over seas and be Gods hands and be Gods voice and give those people the opportunity to say yes to salvation, for the very first time
     - Thats what I love to do
-       And those of us who aren't called to be missionaries, that doesn't mean that you are off the hook:
-       Ive learned that the mission field is EVERYWHERE and all of us are missionaries, believe it or not, everyone of us has to cover our own mission field.
-       You may not be going to a foreign country but:            your tribe is your family                                          
    your people group are your friends                      
    your nation is your community
Are you picking up what Im putting down?

We all play a part in fulfilling the great commission

When I was 17 I graduated High School in 2011, I finished High School in 3 years because I was ready to get out and start something new.
       Ready to go to College
       God had a different plan
       Signed up for MOE (Karl Hargestman, Joshua Campaign) 

Joshua 1:11 Go through the camp and tell the people to get their provisions ready.  In three days you will cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you

-       Karl Hargestam, is an awesome man of God, awesome speaker, awesome missionary and he  has a vision to finish the Assignment to take back the land from the enemy that the Lord has given us.
-       He has a vision to raise up a generation of missionaries to conquer unreached territory until the assignment is finished! And that is what Joshua Campaign and Mission One Eleven is all about
     - Its about One Chance For Every Person
     - 6 weeks training in Bakersfield,CA
         - biblical classes
         - cultural classes
         - different outreaches
         - team building
     - 6 weeks in Ethiopia
*** 2011 was on the mission field with MOE for 3 months as a student, 2012 Karl asked me to come back and help lead a team over that was for about 8 weeks, 2013 led a team of 13 over for 2 weeks
       Put on a crusade
-       pass out flyers for the crusade
-       preach in market places
      - thousands of people showed up, some walked for days to get there
    -  signs, wonders and miracles
*** little boy was deaf from birth, prayed for him and God opened his ears
*** little boy who was paralyzed was healed when Karl did a mass prayer, no one laid hands on him God just touched him
       Went to the bush and lived with an unreached tribe for 3 weeks, told them bibles stories from beginning to end
-       the chief of the tribe wanted us to come over to his hut every night when we got back from teaching in the different villages because he wanted to be sure that his family had the chance to hear these stories too
-       We will make a road for you
*** Omo River
       After telling them these stories we gave them the opportunity to say yes to salvation and one old man in the tribe looks at us and says, If you have known, about this for 2,000 years, how come it has taken so long to tell us? Not only in that tribe but the next one and everywhere we went there was at least one person who asked If you have known about this for 2,000 years, how come it has taken so long to tell us?

***VIDEO Watch here

Matthew 24:14 And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.

Who wants the end to come? I do, Im ready to go to heaven but it says right here that first “… the Good News WILL be preached throughout the whole world, so that all the nations will hear it, AND THEN the end will come.

-       How many believe that we got some work to do?
-       2.7 billion people have never heard before, thats on us!

-       First things first you need to get your passport
-       Impact Missions with Joe & Tina Skiles, National District Youth Directors, trip to Kenya in August
-       2 week MOE trip in November

God has called us but if we want God to use us to our full potential
God has called every single one of us but only few of us have yet to answer that call
The harvest is ready but the workers are few
       We need to have a heart for missions!
       We need to have a heart for home missions, rescuing the lost, the hurting in our own communities and making them disciples so they can go out and do the same!
     We need to have a heart for those tribes and those people groups who have never heard the Gospel, not once in their life times!!!

Its our job to know Gods heart, to be His hands, to be His voice, to be obedient to the assignment, to be obedient to the mission, to be obedient to the call!!

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