Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why Disney is the happiest place on earth and the church isn’t.

5 reasons why Disney is the happiest place on earth and the church isn’t.

People say, “We are judgmental, critical, and everyone is going to hell we have we don’t love people, we stereotype everyone as bad.”

Our goal as the church should be to keep customers coming back not just attracting them.
About 70% of Disney’s customers are repeat visitors. Amazing accomplishment.

1.  Disney understands first impressions may be last impressions.

“Research shows that people who are visiting a church for the first time make up their mind in the first 12 minutes whether they will be back.” Biblical records New Journal, February 2003

In her book, The Four-Minute Sell, Janet Elsea says you have just 7 to 15 seconds to make a good first impression.

5 First Impression Touch Points
1. How you dress.
2. Your body language. 55% of what you say is through body language.
3. Facial expressions.
4. What you say and how you say it.
5. Appropriate physical contact.

2. Disney is clear on who their competition is.

“Your competition is anyone who raises customer expectations, because if someone else satisfies customers better than you, no matter what type of business, you suffer by comparison. Disney gets thousands of calls everyday. Many of them are the same people who also call FedEx and count on their responsiveness and reliability.”
Inside the Magic Kingdom, by Tom Connellan

Matt.5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
 This doesn’t cost us a dime!

3. Disney pays fantastic attention to small things.
     The high wear points on the 37 horse-head hitching posts on Main Street in Disney World are stripped down and repainted every night.
     How many custodians does Disney World in Orlando employ? You might guess 300-400. The answer is actually 45,000! Why? From the CEO to the manager of Frontierland to Mickey Mouse himself, nobody walks past a piece of trash without picking it up. It’s policy.

Matthew 25:23 "The master said, `Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!'

4. Disney puts on their mouse ears everyday.
     There is a reason why God gave us twice as many ears as He did tongues.
     Be listening posts.

Proverbs 18:15 “Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge.”

Churches and ministries don’t grow and do better unless leaders have the knowledge to make necessary changes and adjustments.
     We might not like the feedback, it might even hurt our feelings but we must make those hard and difficult decisions to become relevant and effective. Make the necessary adjustments that we can grow and reach others.

Ways you can help your leadership:
1. Notice distinctive impressions people have of the church.
2. Solicit people/others for their thoughts and impressions.
3. Never make promises that you can’t fulfill.
4. Thank people for constructive input and tell them you will forward the information.
5. Diffuse any philosophical or doctrinal differences with a soft answer.

Proverbs 15:1 “A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.”

              6. Pass on in writing or e-mail information deemed worthy of consideration to your leadership.

5. Disney excels at making every one-on-one contact a magical moment.

1 Corinthians 12:28 “And God has appointed these in the church:
…. helps,”

The Ministry of Helps is one of the most valuable spiritual giftings in the Body of Christ. 

When God appoints you to help, He also anoints you to help.

The helps ministry prepares every person to hear the Word of God in an environment charged with the peace and love of God.

Here’s how to help the church to be “THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH.”

Make a practice of boldly greeting people you come into contact with.

Sample greetings to try:
“Hi there!”
“Good Morning, Good evening etc.”
“How are you doing today?”
“We’re glad you’re here!”

If time permits, ask them a simple question to identify possible assistance opportunities.

Sample questions to try:
“Are you a guest with us today?”
“Is this your first time here?”
“Have you heard about our ____?____ ministry?” (Visually identify area.)
“What is your name?”

As you receive responses from your engaging questions, be perceptive to ways you can help them take the next step for them in church life.

Do they need to go through discipleship? Is there a ministry function they would enjoy?

Point them in the direction they need with specific information is both simple and helpful.

Disney teaches their employees to use two fingers, not one when pointing

A smile communicates warmth, love, and acceptance.

Research has proven it takes twice as many muscles to frown as it does to smile

Put a “smile sandwich” on every contact you make.

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