Thursday, February 24, 2011

YR Axxess - 2/24/11

No this isn’t a Justin Bieber message. When I saw the title of this message I instantly thought of Justin Bieber because of his famous iconic hair style. I figure the girls in the service would scream and go crazy and sure enough we had some that did. No this message isn’t about Chase Koelling getting his hair cut on the stage. That’s an illustration. It’s about a man named Samson.

In Judges Ch 16 we look at the story of Samson and Delilah. Samson is this man of God who is blessed with super, powerful strength. He was unstoppable against the Philistines. But Samson was a man who lusted after women. He had a problem. He got caught up with this woman named Delilah who was working for the Philistines who were after Samson. The rulers of the Philistines told Delilah to seduce Samson into revealing the secret of his strength and paid her 1,1000 pieces of silver.

Samson fell in love with Delilah and spent a lot of time with her. Delilah said to Samson in verse 6 “Please tell me what makes you so strong and what it would take to tie you up securely.” Samson responds “If I were tied up with seven new bowstrings that have not yet been dried, I would become weak as anyone else.”

So Delilah goes and tries this while Samson was sleeping and screams that the Philistines are here to take you. Samson broke free and took care of them. Plan failed for Delilah. However she asks again and Samson tells another way which also fails. Delilah then says to Samson “How can you tell me, ‘I love you’ when you don’t share your secrets with me? You’ve made fun of me 3 times now, and you still haven’t told me what makes you strong.” She continues to nag him for the secret until eventually Samson gives in and tells her that she has to cut off his hair.

Delilah cuts his hair when he was asleep and screams out that the Philistines have come and Samson got up thinking he would just do what he did the last time but he didn’t realize the Lord had left him. He was weak and was captured.

So what happened? Samson fell for a woman that he shouldn’t have been with and messed up his God given destiny. You need to have a vision for your opposite sex relationship and Marriage! When you don’t have a vision for your future marriage you have the mentality that “Anything Goes” right now… and this is not how God set it up. Samson settled for a “Cheap Haircut” that cost him his destiny.

Samson lost his vision. Seriously, his eyes were gouged out during his capture. But in spiritual point of view he lost his vision when he engaged in a relationship with a woman that God didn’t want him involved with. People who are in your life have INFLUENCE over you whether its good or bad. In 1st Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be misled, bad company corrupts good character.” Being involved with wrong people in your life is a dangerous field to be on and can mess up your walk with God. Wrong people will mess up your character and good integrity.

The Longer you are around Temptation the weaker you will become. Samson continued to see Delilah and as we see in the text he got weaker and finally revealed his secret of his strength that got him betrayed. Delilah was working for the enemy. She was seducing him to destroy him. (John 10:10) Let me ask you this, who are you with and why? Is that person you’re involved with a Christian who loves God with all their heart?  If not then dump them. Or even if they are a Christian are they right for you? God is trying to save you from losing your destiny! God will bring you the right person for you to spend the rest of your life with who will line up with your destiny.

Being with the wrong person will cut off your source of Real Strength. If you lose your vision and relationship with God then you have lost your strength. Judges 16:20 states “Samson DID NOT realize that the LORD had DEPARTED from HIM!” Without God’s presence with you, you will become lost in your direction and you will lose focus on your destined path. Samson was blinded by Delilah and he couldn’t see his destined path.

Many people have ended up with a Delilah and have lost or disregarded their God Given Destiny. But can I tell you, God can restore you back. It maybe a hard decision but you may need to cut that person loose! Being with the wrong person can blind you from your destiny. Samson learned that lesson. His hair grew back. God gives you a second chance. No matter if you messed up sexually or just in the wrong relationship God can set you straight if you turn to him.

For more on this message checkout the podcast on iTunes. Read up on the story at Judges Ch 16 in the Bible.

Season 9 of Battle of the Sexes is getting more interesting each week. Last week we saw the Girls dominate the evening but this past week it seemed to be a good balance as the Guys finally showed up, but still needs to MAN UP! The competitions were great as we had Matt Koelling and Greg Smith come out with icing on their bald heads and each team had to lick the icing off their heads within 60 seconds. After the bout the Guys scored a few extra points licking whatever fell to the floor. This followed by another 30 second competition and lead to more eating off the floor for more points. Lets not forget that the Girls responded with an interpretive Dance. There was team effort and unity with in the Girls Camp which got them some nice points. Our very own Adam Jackson slammed in an $80 Check into the offering buckets for the GUYS but wait for it.........Someone from the GIRLS threw in $300 dollars! Are you serious!?! Who roles around with that kind of money? A.J. got slapped in the face by that one! Sorry Bro! For attendance once again for 3 weeks in a row the Girls out numbered the Guys. Next week is the final week of Battle of the Sexes and the losers will get SLIMED! So Guys if you want this win BRING IT next week. Its WAR TIME! Or will the Girls take home another win for however many years in a row now. This is your Battle of the Sexes Update!
Matt Koelling and Greg Smith with Icing on their heads.
Matt getting his Head licked
Greg getting his head licked
Getting ready for the next competition.
For those students who will be competing at this years SPRING IMPACT TALENT EXPO the deadline for entry is this Sunday! The event will be held in Joplin, MO at Joplin Family Worship Center (JFWC) March 18th and 19th. The 18th will be a District Youth Service the 19th will be the Talent Competition. Lets take home some 1st place YOUTHROCK and head to Nationals in June! For more info visit or see Pastor Mike or Tara!

Solid Rock Family Church
Youthrock Teen Ministries
508 Hunters Run Road
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-893-4609 for iTunes and Facebook

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