Sunday, August 10, 2014

Soul Detox Week 2

1 Peter 2:11 NLT Dear friends, I warn you as temporary residents and foreigners to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls."

The enemy wages war against our very soul the scripture says, our immortality.

Detox-removal of toxic substances from a living organism.

1.      God loves you so much, He wants to help show you anything in your life that's polluting His plan for you, including your shortcomings and the defenses you may be placing around them.
1.      Since we see ourselves from only one perspective, its incredibly difficult to get an accurate picture of ourselves.
2.      The toxins of our souls are destructive theyre often present on a daily basis, and even though we cant see them, they can accumulate inside us and poison the well of our souls.
1.      Why cant we see our self-generated toxins?
1.      I believe David answers this question in:

Psalm 36:1-4 NLT [1] Sin whispers to the wicked, deep within their hearts. They have no fear of God at all. [2] In their blind conceit, they cannot see how wicked they really are. [3] Everything they say is crooked and deceitful. They refuse to act wisely or do good. [4] They lie awake at night, hatching sinful plots. Their actions are never good. They make no attempt to turn from evil."

1.      Deep within their heart?
2.      Isn't that the place reserved for God?
3.      Isn't that where we are to guard because out of it flows life?
1.      Whispers are meant for lies and lovers.
3.      Notice how David puts it, that some people in their blind conceit.

Illustrate here: dog kennel pet sins inside, saying "you have an issue, NO I don't!" (Smiling the whole time oblivious to the fact) or a bottle of water with it leaking.

1.      They lie to themselves and dont even know it, theyve become so skilled at self-deception that they cannot detect or confess their sins.
2.      Basically, we manufacture our own poison and administer regular doses to ourselves.
4.      He persuades himself God will not find his sin.
1.      Hence his words of iniquity and deceit, and his bold rejection of all right principles of conduct.
2.      Its hard to be objective about ourselves.
1.      Objective:meaning not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
2.      If you're being objective you're being truthful.
1.      Most of us see ourselves too negatively or too positively and we never address ourselves objectively.
1.      That's honesty.
2.      We could say it this way:those who dont know, dont know that they dont know.
1.      If you are deceived, chances are pretty good you dont know that you believe something untrue otherwise you wouldnt be deceived.
2.      If we never identify the lies and replace them with truth, well forever crave a healthy life on a diet of poison and always wonder why we are sick.
1.      Why are my finances sick?
2.      Why is my relationship with my children sick?
3.      Why is it that every friend we begin to make somehow dodges us and acts as if we have the Ebola virus.
1.      Maybe you do.
2.      Maybe your attitude, maybe your words, maybe your way of thinking, maybe the friends you surround yourself with, maybe the way you spend your time is toxic, infectious, disease ridden.
3.      Take an honest look at the way you live, how you think, and who or what influences you the most.
1.      Work hard to be brutally honest.
1.      God sees us as we are, loves us as we are, and accepts us as we are.
2.      But by His grace, He does not leave us as we are.
4.      Examine your life for toxic behaviors.
1.      Defining toxic as anything you do that cripples your spiritual effectiveness or distracts you from your eternal mission.
1.      Look within for toxic emotions, any deep feelings that lead you away from Gods truth.
2.      Take an honest look at any unhealthy consumptions the media you consume, the sites you surf, the people you spend the most time around.
3.      The first step to defeating an enemy is to recognize your opponent.
1.      Though your enemy might be invisible, God can give you eyes to see.
2.      Let me warn you, though.
3.      The closer you get to uncovering a toxic killer in your life, the harder your enemy will fight to keep his grip.
4.      If you are like me, you might even unknowingly betray yourself and fight against the change.
1.      Denial is often our first line of defense.
2.      Were skilled at taking responsibility for little and justifying much.
5.      If you fight back against those trying to help you, chances are you are fighting to keep your own lies intact.
1.      If someone who loves you tries to show you a dangerous pattern in your life, you might be 100 percent convinced they are wrong when the truth is they are 100 percent correct.
6.      Peter, in the New Testament, is a perfect example.
7.      When Jesus explained that some of the disciples would fall away and deny Him, Peter was convinced that he never would.
1.      With unshakable confidence, Peter formally announced,

Matthew 26:33 NLT [33] Peter declared, "Even if everyone else deserts you, I will never desert you."

2.      Can you hear his self-deceived confidence?
3.      As he flattered himself, Peter was unaware of his toxic self-deception.
1.      In the very next verse, we hear Jesus,

Matthew 26:34-35 NLT [34] Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, Peter-this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know me." [35] "No!" Peter insisted. "Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny you!" And all the other disciples vowed the same."

8.      If someone has been trying to show you something about yourself and you continue to fight it, maybe its time to acknowledge that you might be deceived.
1.      Your spouse might be convinced you have a problem with painkillers, alcohol or another drug, but you stand your ground and say that you dont.
2.      Someone might have told you that youre addicted to video games or social media, but you dont believe it.
3.      Maybe several loved ones have told you that you are a workaholic, but you dont stop working to listen.
1.      If you find yourself resisting or fighting back, be careful.
2.      Those who are most convinced are often the most deceived.
3.      Be careful not to flatter yourself so much that you cannot detect or hate your own sin.
4.      If we really want a detox, we must ask God to show us whats true about how were thinking, talking, and living.
1.      Since we cant change what we cant identify, ask God to show you any areas of your life that may be harmful to you, offensive to the people around you, or displeasing to God Himself.
1.      Have you asked those you love, those you respect, those that live out their faith throughout the Word of God?

Psalm 1:1-2 NLT [1] "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. [2] But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night."

2.      God speaks to us in many ways.
3.      He speaks through his Word.
4.      He speaks through circumstances.
5.      He speaks through his Spirit.
6.      And he speaks through people.
7.      As you seek God, listen carefully to what he might say to you through the people around you.

Proverbs 15:31, 32 says, He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise. He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.

8.      I love the phrase life-giving rebuke.
1.      Occasionally, God will send someone to communicate a strong and important message through a life-giving rebuke.
2.      Its important to note, not all rebukes are life-giving and helpful.
1.      Certainly youve been broadsided by some life-taking rebukes.
1.      You know, when some joker criticizes or belittles you in a hurtful, destructive way over something insignificant.
9.      But there are times that a loving person gives a life-giving rebuke.
1.      They care about you enough to confront you lovingly.
1.      See loving people may take some risks to help you see the truth.
1.      When they do, listen.
2.      Please listen to what your loved ones have been trying to tell you.
3.      If more than one person has told you that you have a problem with something, chances are pretty good you have a problem.
4.      If all your close friends worry about you because you overspend each month, you likely have a problem with overspending.
5.      If your parents, best friends, sorority sisters, and co-workers all tell you that you are dating a good-for-nothing jerk, you are probably dating well below yourself.
6.      If everyone you love and trust expresses concern about your eating habits and weight, you should probably listen.
1.      Now would be a good time to stop and ask yourself honestly, Is there something that God has been trying to show me through his Word or trusted people that I need to hear?
10.I can promise you that if youll listen, God will speak to you as you read prayerfully through His Word.
1.      If you think you are without fault, remember Scripture says in,

1 John 1:8 NLT [8] "If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth."

2.      Im praying that God will move the deception out of our hearts, our lives, our souls so the truth can come in.
11.We are so easy so quick to point out others faults, habits, sins or shortcomings we draw them like a gun but let ourselves be on the other end of that and we're like there is no possible way in the free world I do that!
5.      When God reveals spiritual toxins that need to be cleansed, I pray you will have the courage to act swiftly and decisively.

James said it well in James 1:22 NLT "But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves."

1.      When we know the Word and dont do what it says, we are in direct disobedience to God living a toxic life that he cannot bless.
1.      When God shows you what to do, do it immediately.
1.      If you are consumed with worry, call it what it is: a sin.
1.      You are distrusting the promises and power of God.
2.      Quit sanctifying the sin of worry by calling it concern and do what it takes to renew your mind with Gods truth.
2.      If you believe you are fat but you weigh only 107 pounds, admit that you have a problem.
1.      Its time to get help.
2.      You cant change what you dont see.
3.      Its time to see truth.
4.      You may be tempted to argue, But Im not a bad person.
5.      May I say respectfully and lovingly say, Yes, you are and so am I.
1.      We are all selfish, sinful people.
3.      The Bible tells us our hearts are deceitful above all things.
1.      Jesus the only one who is good is the remedy for our poison.
1.      When you clearly identify what is slowly killing you (which is far more difficult than it sounds), you can take the toxic influences to Jesus for cleansing, purifying, and healing.
2.      When we identify the lies we so readily tell ourselves, His truth can set us free.
2.      By Gods power, we must drop the masks and tell the truth.
1.      Think about it.
2.      Why do we so readily deceive ourselves?
3.      The answer is simple and life transforming: we deceive ourselves because we are afraid of the truth.
4.      The very thing we fear is what we need most.

John 8:32 NLT "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

5.      Stop lying to yourself, swallowing the poisonous self-deceptions that keep you from experiencing healthy spiritual growth.
1.      Admit the truth.
2.      Come clean.
3.      If youre willing, the truth will set you free.
1.      When you ask God to do the impossible, He usually instructs you to do something uncomfortable.
1.      The term recovery is synonymous with the Bible term sanctification which means a life-long process of change.
2.      You can package poison in any container you wish, it's still poisonous.

Illustrate here: Alec, Madi, bleach bottle and pool story.

1.      Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. Mark Twain
1.      Even if you feel angry at someone for days, or you've lived in it decades recognize that you are mostly hurting yourself.
2.      The other person may not even be aware that you are angry at him or her.
3.      So either talking to the person and resolving the conflict or letting go of anger as quickly as possible is always the route to freedom.

You can blank out the word anger and replace it with any other statement and it works, reveals, and still convicts.

We have to detox the destructive in our lives.

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