Tuesday, October 16, 2012

4 obstacles that come with every great opportunity

Great opportunities do not come without challenges. Often, the greater the opportunity, the greater the challenge will become. If it were always easy, people would be walking into something new all the time, and you would never hear anyone complain about never getting a break. Preparing now to meet those challenges will keep you from being surprised and give you courage to overcome each one.

Here are 4 of the biggest obstacles that come with every opportunity.

1. Sacrifice.

•If people only did the same things that have always been done, we would still be living in caves and using leaves for clothes.

•Great advancements come when someone is willing to sacrifice, because they are passionate about what was possible.
•Whether it is time, energy, money, fame, or popularity, as you set your priorities you will have to sacrifice certain things to make the most out of any great opportunity.

2. Knowledge.

•Many times the full potential of an opportunity is never realized because the people involved simply didn't know enough.

•That fact has kept many people from trying to accomplish great things.
•As you undertake any great opportunity, there will be times when you feel like you just don't know enough, but that doesn't mean that you are not the right person for the job.
•Make the choice now to study and surround yourself with wise people and you will succeed where others have failed, even if you don't always immediately know the answer. 

3. Distraction.

•There is so much going on in the world, culture, society, so many things that try to grab and keep your attention.

•If you don't choose to stay focused, you will get tripped up by one of the biggest obstacles to opportunity. 
•Those who can maintain their focus and see vision through to reality are the people who will be able to seize the opportunity and make the most of it.

4. Fear.

•The single biggest obstacle to success of any kind is fear.

•Fear will cause you to freeze and question if you really can do anything at all.
•Fear can make you say "what if" instead of "why not."
•If you allow yourself to look at opportunity through eyes of fear you will watch each opportunity pass you by and miss the great rewards of making a stand.
•God does not want you to reach out of fear; He wants you to enjoy all the blessings of moving past that obstacle and making the most out of your opportunities.

2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

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