Wednesday, March 21, 2012

8 problem personalities

Here are 8 types of students to look out for, they still need us, they are longing for our guidance and in most cases desperately need it. Reaching these students is very challenging but who doesn't love a great challenge.

Don't give up on these students but don't give in, discipleship is hard work but always worth the investment!

1.   The Comedian

·       Comedians are funny and quite likable, but their humor isn’t the point-getting attention is the goal.

·       Any attention is good attention to this student.

·       Sometimes others laugh at what these entertaining clowns do, and that gives them the sense that they’re admired, but it’s usually untrue.

2.   The Gossip

·       A gossip is like a traitor, they chip away at trust and they work undercover. What they mainly accomplish is that they have a damaging impact that can spread like wild fire.

·       Gossips thrive on false intimacy. When gossip A talks to gossip B about gossip C, gossip A feels a counterfeit closeness to gossip B.

Proverbs 25:18 “Telling lies about others is as harmful as hitting them with an ax, wounding them with a sword, or shooting them with a sharp arrow.”

3.    The Bully

·       The Bully uses anger fear, and intimidation-verbal and non-verbal- to get what he or she wants.

·       Bullying is usually a sign of insecurity.

·       Since Bullies don’t trust authority, they experience a twisted form of power and control. They actually think they are always in charge.

·       The bible tells us that the devil is a bully. So classify yourself.

4.   The Dear Abby

·       The Dear Abby kid tries to be everyone’s counselor matchmaker and all-around helper.

·       This student can look safely other-centered, but Dear Abby’s act out of a vacuum in their souls.

·       The Dear Abby’s never focus on themselves and what they need from God or others, they only spotlight on what others need leaving them depressed and even more addicted to finding their identity in solving others’ problems.

5.   The Emotional Train Wreck:

·       This personality style surfaces in many variations including depression, neediness or dramatic behavior, insecurity, and serious social awkwardness.

·       They drain others emotionally and don’t get better when others offer encouragement. 

·       Patience and time have no real Positive impact on them.

Proverbs 25:28 “A person without self-control is as defenseless as a city with broken down walls.”

6.   The Phantom:

·       Phantom kids are hard to read- they’re often regular attendees in our ministry, but they’re often “there but not there.” They are watching like a hawk to see if you’re real.

·       They secretly expect us to find the magic key to unlock the door to their heart; if we don’t then we’ve let them down.

·       Phantom students fade into the background because they’ve likely been abused or over-controlled.

·       Phantom’s want the church to fail them in some way so they can have an eternal excuse to dismiss themselves from God and His house.

Hebrews 9:27 “It is destined that each person dies only once and after that comes judgment.”

7.   The Whiner

·       Whiners are grumbling complainers who have a knack for detecting fault wherever they look.

·       Whiners are hard to like.

·       These students know they can get under your skin.

·       Their cynicism drains people.

·       Most whiners have experienced major disappointments from key people- they feel abandoned.

“Complaining is the language of unbelief.”

8.   The Golden Child

·       The Golden Child is an exclusive problem personality because he/she does everything just the way you’re “supposed” to do.

·       These students are just plain good- they like to play by the rules within whatever adult structure they can find. They are usually superficial and they spend most of their time praying and hoping no one finds out.

·       They have this whole Christianity thing down pat.

·       They have a regular quiet time, show up on time to ministry events and are involved in every program.

·       Often, these kids have found ways to use God to make their lives work. Like a well-known athlete who uses sports to get applause the Golden Child uses God to make things go smooth and proper.

Closing- We will love you any way, no matter how you treat us.

·       All of these kinds of students are high maintenance low impact Christians. Never reaching their full God given potential.

Luke 5:30-32 “But the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained bitterly to Jesus' disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with such scum? 31 Jesus answered them, "Healthy people don't need a doctor—sick people do.32 I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent."

·       We will always see past color, race, creed, and financial status in the life of every student.

·       But we will not let you run, disrupt, or disrespect our call to ministry nor our gift of us loving our God.

·       Jesus said He would turn us over to our reprobate (good for nothing) minds if we would not listen too or serve Him.

·       We serve Christ out of love, and respect, not out of duty or obligation.


                Facebook:Youthrock Srfc

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