Thursday, February 17, 2011

YR AXXESS - 2/16/2011

Weds night in Youthrock we concluded the series titled "SEVEN" with a message on PEOPLE. Pastor Mike went to Texas to C3 Conference so filling in was Chad Horton. Chad talked about the 7 Core Values of Youthrock. He stated you can't fake core values. When things get tuff you can't just throw them away, you got to stick with them. Its either your going to apply these values or your don't. There's no in between line. Chad then moved towards talking about the final value People. Jesus was a man who loved people. People is his business and should be the churches business. We as people are valued by Jesus. You can look at scriptures such as Deut 14:2, Psalms 100:3, Titus 2:14, and Hebrews 8:10. Jesus built people. Look at the 12 Disciples for example. He taught them, corrected them, spent time with them, and developed them to become the early church who then went and spread the gospel unto all the world. Those 12 Disciples took what they were taught from Jesus and built more people and they too went to build more people and so on. The early churches business was also people.

Right here in Youthrock Teen Ministries Pastor Mike and Tara and all the staff are here to help build people. Jesus didn't build great buildings, didn't write a love song, wasn't a business man, he was a people driven person. People mattered to Jesus and people should matter to us. Jesus laid down his life for people. Jesus didn't lay down his life for job positions, buildings, money, ect... He gave his life for you and for me so we can have a second chance and live for Him so we can make heaven our home and not be sent to Hell. Jesus came to free us from the sin. Look at John 3:16-17 For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. That is what Jesus did for you and me. That was his role on this earth. Jesus didn't come to heal oxen's, he came to heal people. Jesus didn't come to teach fish, he came to teach people.

If we look at the story of Job in Job Ch1 we see how he had everything that he could ever want. Job was a man that had it all but then had it all taken away. You see God and the Devil talked and the Devil said that Job would curse God if he didn't have all these things. So God put on the test. One disaster after another Job lost everything. Before one messenger could finish his story on what took place another one would be running to address another issue. Job lost all his stuff and children and animals. For 42 Chapters Job wrestled with God until he realize God was testing him. In Job Ch 42 God restored Job and gave him twice as much except for when it came to his children. Instead he got 3 beautiful daughters and they were even named in the bible plus Job decided to give them the inheritance. In the old testament it was always the boys who got the inheritance, never the girls. But Job got a new perspective and valued his daughters. People became his business.

Why wait for God to wipe everything out to appreciate people. Job experienced everything wiped out from him for him to appreciate people. We need to get a new perspective and stop worrying about ourselves and only make it about ourselves and start focusing on people in our lives. Start valuing the people like Jesus did. Jesus knows people, he values people and he can see the hurt in someones eyes. The measure of your integrity will be shown on how you treat people and not expect anything in return. Your actions will speak louder than words. How do you treat people in your life right now? Do you care for them? Do you value them? Are you sharing God with them?

 James 1:5-7 states "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord." What are you going to do with these 7 Core Values? Are you going to go all in with God or not? Don't give a half in and half out deal. There is no in between. As this text states you are unsettled, waving back and forth. God cannot operate through that. Your either for him or against him. There is no middle line. Ask God and don't doubt him. Believe and stand on his promises. Start preparing your life like you have received the answer from God. Begin to live your life with the 7 Core Values!

Youthrock Life Teams is about discipleship. Its a time where you the students can ask questions and make comments during a lesson being delivered. This is your time to learn and grow deeper in your relationship with God. Come on out and invite someone to go with you this Sunday, Feb 20th at 4PM right here in Youthrock!

Youthrock is currently in the middle of a battle. This annual battle is known as "Battle of the Sexes!" This is season 9 and the boys last week started off strong just in a small number and dominated the first week. The boys won the Knockout battle and Dodge ball battle as well as other areas. The score for the first week was 50,000 for the boys and 40,000 for the girls. However! Last nights Youthrock the guys didn't show up at all. They were there in the flesh but no spirit, no fight in them, they needed to man up! The girls this week has token over the battle. GUYS WHY DO WE LOSE EVER YEAR? No unity, no team spirit, no commitment, you just sit there like your too cool for this deal. Don't you know if we lose this year we ALL WILL GET SLIMMED! Next week is the final week and we need to see a revival hit the guys to take this much needed win home. Here are the ways to win. 1. Win the games. 2. Have spirit! 3. Invite NEW people to Youthrock. Key word is NEW which means never been to Youthrock ever! 4. Offering that you give! That is your Battle of the Sexes recap, join us next week for the final results.

Solid Rock Family Church
Youthrock Teen Ministries
508 Hunters Run Road
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-893-4609 for iTunes and Facebook

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