For the final Youthrock service of 2010 Youthrocks own Media Director Adam Jackson took the mic on this night while the Koelling Family were away on Vacation. It was a small after christmas crowd and YR We? opened up with praise and worship followed by offering collecting and Justin Skiles introduced the speaker for the night. Adam spoke on a message that he calls his own personal theme for 2011 titled "Rise Above!" The general point of the message is to hear God's promises, believe in his promises and act on those promises in order to rise above your situation and problems in life. Meaning put what you believe and know that God has spoken to you in action and stand on that. Adam talked about the story of Joshua first looking at Joshua Ch 1 where God appoints this next generation leader who is the successor of Moses after his death. Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt and crossed the parted red sea only to find a several day journey turned into a 40 year wondering the desert due to the corruption going on in the camp. Moses never reached the land God promised him but Joshua was told that he would set foot on this land. God list all these promises to Joshua in Ch 1 saying the land will be his, no one will be able to stand up against him, know, obey and mediate on the instructions that Moses passed down and not deviate from them so he will be successful.
Jumping ahead 10 chapters later in Joshua Ch 10, 5 Amorite Kings take notice of Joshua and noticed the Gibeons became allies to Joshua. The Kings merged all 5 of their armies into one and set out to attack the Gibeons. Gibeons then tells Joshua and pleads for help. Joshua and his best warriors travel all through the night and during that time while Joshua was getting closer and closer he and God had a conversation. God reminded Joshua of his promises and said that Joshua would have victory. Joshua pushed and prayed through the night. I'm sure he reminded his men of God's promises and speaking it into everyone. One of the key things in this is that Joshua spoke the promises and was reminded of Gods promises. Sometimes we need to preach to ourselves and speak Gods word to ourselves and remind ourselves of what God has promised us in his word.
Joshua surprised attack the Amorites and slaughter them along the way. He then chased the enemy! He chased the enemy? You mean he didn't run away, he didn't avoid the problems and battles, he chased them? Exactly right, Joshua chased the enemy and stood up against the attacks. We need to learn how to chase the enemy and send him running. Not only chase the enemy but chase after the promises of God. Joshua didn't just chase the enemy he chased the enemy to receive God's promised victory. If we learn to stand up and engage the battle God will fight for you and with you. And that's what happened. While the battle was going on God sends a hail storm killing more men than Joshua and his army with their own swords. God has Joshua's back. He fought with him and for him. No matter if we feel like we are alone or we can't take on the battle that is ahead of us just remember, God has your back, he won't fail you or abandon you and he will fight for you because he loves you!
Question is will you fight for God? Will you be obedient to his instructions and his word and do what God has ask you to do. You see Salvation is a free gift but Obedience can be costly. You may have to make some sacrifices for God. After the hail storm Joshua was probably tired and the day was going longer than planned and he took a look at the sun. He in the middle of the battle prayed out loud in front of his people "SUN STAND STILL." (See verse 12-14 in Joshua) He asked God for the impossible and the sun stand in the sky for a good full day. If the sun were to go down the enemy may have slip into the darkness, regroup and fight another day against Joshua. That's like some of the sins, addictions, and temptations in our lives. We will just fight enough to survive, allow those things to go for a bit and come back into our lives. God didn't say half victory he said complete victory to Joshua. When we have a relationship with God and we are in tune with him, we will know his instructions. ALL DIRECTION COMES FROM AN ALTAR! When you spend time with God, studying his word, knowing it mediating on it, you will know the plans and direction of God. So in the end Joshua received his complete victory!
In order to rise above in 2011 we need to stand and speak the promises of God into our lives, have a daily relationship with God receiving instructions and direction from him, and act on those promises. Engage your faith. Faith is complete when you put what you believe into practice. Do you believe in the promises of God? Do you believe what you read in this bible? Do you seek God for direction at an altar? You will be amazed what God can do if you become that next generation leader like Joshua and have that kind of faith that he had. RISE ABOVE!
Starting in January 2011, Pastor Mike will kick off a new series called "Seven." In this series Pastor Mike will unveil Seven core values of Youthrock teen ministries and defines what this Youth Ministry is all about and why we are here and exist! Don't miss this next series starting in January 2011!
I want to take a moment here and just say thank you all for a great successful year in Youthrock Teen Ministries. Students without you all Youthrock wouldn't exist. Youthrock staff without you all Youthrock wouldn't be where it is today. 2010 has been awesome. We made alot of great moments and memories, see God do some amazing things through the services and ISERVE campaigns, events, camps, and more. 2011 lets make this next year the best year yet. We are going to continue to see God do more amazing things in this Youth Ministry and here at Solid Rock Family Church! Happy New Year Everyone!
Youthrock Media Team is looking to expand and we need your help! We are looking for Students who would like to make graphics, photography, videos, service production such as running the projector, sound, lights, even have a hand in this Youthrock Axxess Blog. If you don't know how to do any of these we will teach and train you. We are looking to launch class sessions in the next month to have a starting place and teach about Church Media and how to engage a media driven culture.
If this is something you would like to get involved with see Youthrock Media Director Adam Jackson for more details and info. You can email him at or send an email to or hit him up on Facebook or catch him at Church.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
YR Axxess Dec 16th
On a cold, freezing rain night, Da Mac made his way to Youthrock Teen Ministries to perform some of his music along sharing his testimony on how he came to know Jesus Christ in his life. Youthrock changed gears to give him the stage for the short evening. Due to the weather services was cut short but we made sure Da Mac got in. Pastor Mike kicked off the service with a quick announcement and turned the stage over to Da Mac to perform about 3 of his tracks. Followed by a break to collect offering and turning it back over to Da Mac to share his story.
Da Mac was born and raised in the streets of St. Louis with a broken family, no father in the home. He tried to find joy and peace in earthly things. He tried parties, he tried sex, and tried drugs but didn’t find any joy or peace in his life. He didn’t know anything about Christ during this time of his life until college. He went on saying the only way to be free from the pain; to be free from the struggles in life is through Jesus Christ. He quoted Psalm 34:17 which state in the NLT “The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.” He went on saying that his biological father wasn’t there for him but his Heavenly father is there for him. No matter the struggle or pain you don’t have to go through it alone because Jesus Christ will be there with you to help you through it. He then prayed a corporate prayer over everyone in the youth hall for those who are struggling and hurting and needing help. He finished the night with one last song title Hurt.
Da Mac is a Christian Rap artist who travels and performs and ministries through music. The music was just great and the students all got involved with him with the actions to the songs and just having a great time. For more information on DA MAC and sample his music or book him at your Youth Ministry or event visit this website link below
Review by Adam Jackson
District Youth Director Brandon Kelley came to SRFC Sunday morning on a cold snowy day to share a message called “The Highest.” His introduction kicked off giving those of SRFC a big thank you for the help the church has done during the time before summer where one of the building’s roof and ceiling collapsed. It wasn’t just days but weeks of work.
Brandon spoke from Luke 2:13-14 which states “Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others-the armies of heaven-praising God and saying, Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased”
There has been a 400 year silence from God between the old and new testaments of the bible. And then SUDDENLY which the text reads the angel of the Lord appears with good news breaking the 400 year silence. Glory to God in the highest means good news. When you or I give God the highest glory he gives me and you a deeper peace. We have peace when we give God the highest glory.
The funny thing about this is we want to be at peace but in today’s world we don’t give God any glory. We want peace and probably desire it, but we won’t get it due to not giving God any glory. Church is more than a chair that we sit in every week, we need to get up and do something, get up and give God glory by worshiping him and serving him. We need to have active faith and give Glory to God in everything we do.
We may be dealing with a situation and need God suddenly to show up. We need to take our focus off the problem and turn the focus to God and give him glory and seek after him. It reminds me of when Peter walked on Water. He did well at first walking towards Jesus but he took his eyes off him due to the storm and waves and he sank crying out for Jesus to help him.
Christ and his word is the supreme authority. You can have all the gifts and talents in the world but if you don’t have the right authority, your gifts and talents are nothing. Your talents should honor God and use them for his Glory. Your talents should help making a difference in the lives of people. But yet this world has authority issues. We have the ‘God do something for me’ mentality instead we should have the ‘what can I do for you God’ mentality.
With God’s word being the authority it has the final say. Who cares what everyone else says. God has a higher purpose in our circumstances. God is above them. The issues of life maybe pulling you down but if you give God glory he will give us peace and lift us up. God’s purpose is higher than our priorities and circumstances. When my worship goes up my worries go down. It all comes down to having the right perspective in life. How we see things makes a world of difference. Is your focus on your current situations and circumstances and trying to make decisions based on your own discernment or are you giving Glory to God and letting him help you make the best decision in your circumstances.
Coming up December 19th is our next Youthrock Life Team meeting right here in Youthrock at 4PM to 5:15PM! Caitlin Etoh will be bringing a message for us all to discuss and talk about. Be sure you be here and invite a friend to come with you. This is the last one for 2010 until January! Join the conversation and grow deeper in your walk with Christ!
On December 29th the Final Youthrock service of 2010 you don’t want to miss this message title RISE ABOVE! Youthrock’s Media Director Adam Jackson will be bringing the word on this night and finish off the Year for Youthrock! He will be sharing how you can rise above your current situations and problems that you face in life.
Starting in January 2011 we will be kicking off a new series titled Seven. We will be discussing the 7 core values of Youthrock Teen Ministries and redefining and understand what Youthrock is all about! Be here at the first of the New Year for this new upcoming series!
Solid Rock Family Church
Youthrock Teen Ministries
508 Hunters Run Road
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-893-4609
Email: for iTunes and Facebook
Thursday, December 9, 2010
YR Axxess 12.9.10
Pastor Mike this last weds shared with us “The 7 Times Jesus Bled For You!” It began with Circumcision-cutting away of the flesh when he was 8 days old and then giving him the name Jesus. He sacrificed in a private place. Private pain will teach you how to praise God publicly. You have to cut the junk out of your life to get closer to God. Cutting off the old life of sin, purifying one’s heart, and dedicating oneself to God. God cuts us in private’s places so He can bless us publicly. The 2nd moment when Jesus bled was when he was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.
He had concern, alarm, anxiety. In Luke 22:44 talks about Jesus prayed more fervently, and was in such agony of spirit that His sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood. Jesus prayed in the Garden for you. The power of prayer still works today! Prayer will change a situation and even if it doesn’t change the situation it’ll change how you look at the situation. Jesus prays for you when you are sleeping. Peter, James and John fell asleep during this time. Jesus comes to them said could you not pray with me for 1 hour? Jesus is praying for you now. Saying God give them strength, God give them healing, God give them vision, direction, understanding and give them your Spirit. Prayer has power to move mountains.
He had concern, alarm, anxiety. In Luke 22:44 talks about Jesus prayed more fervently, and was in such agony of spirit that His sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood. Jesus prayed in the Garden for you. The power of prayer still works today! Prayer will change a situation and even if it doesn’t change the situation it’ll change how you look at the situation. Jesus prays for you when you are sleeping. Peter, James and John fell asleep during this time. Jesus comes to them said could you not pray with me for 1 hour? Jesus is praying for you now. Saying God give them strength, God give them healing, God give them vision, direction, understanding and give them your Spirit. Prayer has power to move mountains.
Humiliation when his facial hair was being pulled, being hit, disgrace, shame, and dishonor. This was during the time of his preparation for the crucifixion. In the Middle Eastern tradition and culture to lose your face meant to cause shame or embarrassment. The enemy tries to make every believer lose your face and make you ashamed of who you are because you’ve made a mistake. He will throw up your past, and he is the master of getting you to buy into the lies that you have no self-esteem, full of insecurities, and have no intellect. In Gen 3:8 Adam and Eve hid. Gen 4:14 Cain hid when he killed his brother Able. Exodus 3:6 Moses hides his face from God. Understanding the blood of Jesus’ face is important to us for it reminds us that even when they tried to humiliate Christ by pulling out the hair of his face to make him bleed He was still determined to do God’s will. We have His approval, His forgiveness, His grace, and His mercy.
The Digression and Scourging when Jesus was tied to a post being whipped by the cat of 9 tails. The enemy is a coward and he’ll tie you up and refuse to face you like a man. They didn’t whip Christ in His Chest but in His back. The back is a metaphor for your past. In Isaiah 53:3-5 it talks about we are healed by his stripes from the whip. We are healed from the past; we are healed from the turmoil, and healed from the disappointments. We are healed from the hate, the rage, the bitterness, and the stress.
The Crown of thorns that was shoved onto Jesus’ head that was full of poison was another that made Him bleed. (John 19:2) This crown of thorns was not found it was made. Designer original. When they found the supplies for it then they made it. When the Devil finds the custom curses for you he will employ and empower them. The devil is seeking to destroy you and he has custom made a weapon so evil, so destructive, and so full of poison that it will annihilate you. But there is NO WEAPON formed against you shall prosper when you have that right relationship with God. You got to fight back against the enemy. Fight for what is yours and pay the price. Nothing we have just falls into our laps. You fight, you work, and you pray, you fast, you give, you study, you serve and just when you think you can rest here comes another battle.
The aggravation of the nails being drawn into his hands on the cross using 9 inch spikes. Painful I’m sure. Hands are a metaphor, a sign, a symbol for work. Your hands work, serve, can be compassionate or cruel. The enemy was trying to keep Christ out of work. An attack on your job is conformation that there is an assignment. If you trust God and do what he says he will bless you and your enemies will have to watch you prosper. Step out in faith and trust God.Then 12 inch spikes were driven into the feet of Jesus. The enemy didn’t realize that when they drove the nails in the feet that there would be a trail of Jesus’ blood for people to follow. The feet represent the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in the nailing that one innocent set of feet to that old rugged cross the devil just multiplied and multiplied his problems.
Finally the Crucifixion, the death and the spear piercing the side of Jesus instead of breaking his legs. Jesus was already dead before they could break his legs. So instead they pierced his side with a spear breaking tradition. 10,000 Roman crucifixions all with broken legs. The Jews requested it, Pilate granted it, but God blocked it from happening. Jesus broke the cycle of the leg breaking. Why is it important that God didn’t want Jesus’ legs broken? Simple, Jesus had more walking to do. He is still today walking through hospitals, jails, city streets, around dead and empty churches. When they pierced Jesus on his side it wasn’t a lateral move because the body wasn’t on their level. The people attacking you are not on your level. The people trying to bring you down, talking about you, and perpetuating rumors are not on your level so don’t you dare stoop down to their level to try to justify who you are. You are at a greater place cause even in crucifixion, even in persecution you are above all enemies.
For more on this checkout our podcast on iTunes titles “The 7 Times Jesus Bled For You” to hear the entire message.
Da MAC (Music About Christ) is from Saint Louis, Missouri. He started making Christian Hip-Hop in 2007, and shortly thereafter he gave his life to Christ. Although he'd grown up listening to Hip-Hop music, Da MAC discovered that writing/performing could be a means of self-expression- especially in hard times. Now, he uses Hip-Hop as a vehicle to share the Gospel! He has recorded four albums independently (M.A.C.nifisent, Return of Da Mac, Real Talk, and ImM.A.C.ulate) and he is currently working on his fifth album.
For Da MAC, making music is about having fun! His portfolio incorporates content across a broad spectrum of topics and styles.
For Da MAC, making music is about having fun! His portfolio incorporates content across a broad spectrum of topics and styles.
There are songs with heavy guitar rifts like "Till I Collapse" or songs that have soul like "Love". There are even songs that are solely made "to bump in your trunk" like "Christ Beatz". Da MAC strives to promote diversity through his art. At live performances, Da Mac engages the audience and relies strongly on crowd participation. He wants everyone "to get pumped up for Christ!".
Da MAC has a passion for Hip-Hop, but more importantly he has passion for his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He wants to use his talents to share that passion with the world.
That’s a little bio on DA MAC who will be here in concert next week in Youthrock. He will be sharing his testimony and performing his music. You don’t want to miss this. It will be awesome! Invite a friend to come join. Help spread the word and come out next weds night!
Visit this link right here for more info on DA MAC and sample his music
Looking for some Christmas music this season? I have a few suggestions that you may like. First up, if you liked The Newsboys newest album Born Again featuring new lead singer from dc Talk Michael Tait, then you’ll love the Christmas Album by the Newsboys. Let me just say Michael Tait was born to sing Christmas music and where sweater vest. It has a fun rock sound to the music singing classic favorites such as The Christmas Song, All I want For Christmas is You, Jingle Bell Rock and more! I highly recommend this album.
Another one for you is if you like college bro music that has a John Mayer style check out Dave Barnes new Christmas album. I sampled a free download on iTunes and I must say it makes me want to sit back and drink a cup of coffee or some hot chocolate and gather around a Christmas tree with loved ones.
Finally on this review, if you like a good rock/something that’s been out for a while, Relient K’s Christmas album is where you want to turn to. The 12 Days of Christmas is quiet interesting with a little scream to it. And of course if you just want classics you can always hit up your Frank Sinatra’s, Bing Crosby, Nat King Coles, Johnny Mathis, and I probably lost half of you on this right here. Come on, you got to admit you love it!
Check out 101.5 KPLA for all Christmas music. Yes it’s a soft rock station but it puts you in the mood for Christmas! Or check out Spirit FM or my personal favorite 100.9 Switch FM which plays a mixture of Christian music and Christmas music by your favorite Christian Artist plus you get to listen to Wally of Total Axxess which is always a bonus in the afternoons from 2 to 6PM.
Solid Rock Family Church
Youthrock Teen Ministries
508 Hunters Run Road
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-893-4609
Email: for iTunes and Facebook
Mike and Tara Koelling
Friday, December 3, 2010
YR Axxess 12-2-10

You can download the podcast on iTunes when it becomes available. Just search Youthrock on the iTunes store and download it for free along with other past sermons from Pastor Mike and other great speakers!
By Adam Jackson
Tobymac welcoming everyone |
Shon Lock |
John Cooper and Tobymac |
Tobymac and his Diverse City crew |
Jen Ledger of Skillet killing the drums! |

On December 15th Youthrock will welcome to the stage, Christian Rap Artist "DA MAC!" You do not want to miss this night as DA MAC performs his music and shares his story. If you want any of his music or products come bring extra money. Please help us spread the word and promote this night. Tell your friends and bring them out!
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Coming up Next Week In Youthrock! |
Solid Rock Family Church
Youthrock Teen Ministries
508 Hunters Run Road
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-893-4609
Email: for iTunes and Facebook
To Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the email alerts
Youth Pastors
Mike and Tara Koelling
Mike and Tara Koelling
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
YR Axxess Thanksgiving Special!
Dear Youthrock Axxess Readers,
I sadly regret to announce that there will be NO YOUTHROCK Nov 24th (Today) due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. I know that there are some that are sad because of this but we here at Solid Rock Family Church believes family time is a spiritual time aswell. So spend your weds night with your family and build a stronger relationship with them. Remember we just came off from the Proud Family Series to help you build those relationships with your parents and family members. So do me a favor and stuff your faces with lots of Thanksgiving food, go hit the stores on Black Friday and stand in lines for your parents (okay just kidding about that one) but enjoy your weekend and we will see you December 1st! Can you believe the year is near the end?
This is Alex Skiles the daughter of Joe and Teena Skiles who are the National Youth Director of the Pentecostal Church of God. I'm sure many are familiar with Alex Skiles and her family. This young lady had the honor and priviledge to help lead the worship service at the National Penetcostal Church of God Solem Assembly recently. She is only 15 years old and is using her gifts and talents for God. It doesn't matter how old you are or what talents and gifts you have, God can still use you to make an impact in the lives of others. We here at Youthrock Axxess wants to acknowledge Alex's for this and say that you the reader can do the same. Maybe not lead worship if you can't sing or have anything musical. But you can use what you have to make a difference in someones life. Find your niche, know what talents and gifts that you have. Discover you identity in who you are in God, and find out what makes you standout or different among the pack! God has a special call on each of our lives, it just takes you to discover it between you and Him and act on it!
I sadly regret to announce that there will be NO YOUTHROCK Nov 24th (Today) due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. I know that there are some that are sad because of this but we here at Solid Rock Family Church believes family time is a spiritual time aswell. So spend your weds night with your family and build a stronger relationship with them. Remember we just came off from the Proud Family Series to help you build those relationships with your parents and family members. So do me a favor and stuff your faces with lots of Thanksgiving food, go hit the stores on Black Friday and stand in lines for your parents (okay just kidding about that one) but enjoy your weekend and we will see you December 1st! Can you believe the year is near the end?

Coming December 15 as we promoted in last weeks issue, Christian Rap artist DA MAC will be performing live 7PM! We need you Youthrockers to help us spread the word and bring in your friends. You don't want to miss this guy as he comes in. He will be singing his music, sharing his testimony, selling some merch such as music. We will run next week a full bio on this guy but until then you can look him up at this website
Solid Rock Family Church
Youthrock Teen Ministries
508 Hunters Run Road
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-893-4609
Email: for iTunes and Facebook
To Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the email alerts
Thursday, November 18, 2010
YR Axxess 11-18-2010
Nov 12th at 11PM we kicked off the annual Youthrock event known as SLEEPROCK! We stayed up all night long locked inside the facility just having a great night of fun with students and staff. The night kicked off with some free time of just hanging out followed by kind of an orientation of what the plan is for the evening and introducing all the staff that was present for the night. Then we loaded up onto the buses and headed out to California, MO to this barn on some guys property that he let us use. There we roasted hot dogs over a bon fire, drank some hot chocolate and just hanged out for a bit. We loaded back up headed back to the church. We got back and began to play rounds of "Silent Library!" Its based off this show from MTV where there is six competitors and 6 cards. Whoever got the Joker card had to do a certain task without making any noise with in the time frame. We had people eating stuff off the floor, licking Matt Koellings bald head covered with frosting, blowing up a balloon til it pops, building a human pyramid while getting hit by dodge balls.
We played Pastor Mikes new favorite game called Aggie Ball! This is a game where two teams battle to keep the ball in the air and get it to land in their goal line. If it touches the ground on the field, its a dead ball and have to start again. There were bodies hitting the floor, people getting smacked and just absolute chaos trying to bat this beach ball across the gym to their goal line. We have a clip of it up on Youthrock Srfc's facebook page to view it. But after a couple rounds the beach ball didn't make it and we moved on to dodge ball which is always a fun time. We served pancakes for breakfast and watched Toy Story 3 and ended the event. Sleeprock 2010 was a success and lots of fun. I and many others suffered from Sleeprock Hangover the next day. That's where you are on a weird sleeping schedule and your body hurts from the beatings of dodge balls and just feeling lifeless because of no sleep through the night. Can't wait for next years!
3. Teens Hate Dishonesty. Such phrase like "Because I said so, that's why? Lets face it parents, I always hated that phrase when it was told to me. Give students a reason why and explain your position on this subject it leaves the student curious and wants to find out. Students be open and honest with your parents. And parents be prepared to answer the hard questions. Communication is key to a family and relationships
4. Teens Hate when they can't dream for themselves. Failure to let your student develop a personal identity. Let these kids dream big dreams for their lives. Don't trap them to be what you want them to be. They need to find their personal identity and find where they fit and find what God has purposed for them. Believe me, I've dealt with identity crisis and its not fun. The World isn't looking for a carbon copy of someone else, they are looking for YOU! They want someone original and themselves. Who Are You? What Are Your Skills and Talents? And What Makes You Different/Standout among the pack. Let students discover their identity through God.
5. Teens hate when parents don't acknowledge the good but always brings up the failures. Parents usually take out the stress of life on people and the target is usually the people they are closest too. Parents do love you students and remind them of the things you have done instead of the things you haven't
6. Teens hate that adults refuse to love beyond performance: Such phrases like "Can't you do anything right?" Adults and people in general seem to only remember the wrong things others do instead of the good. Lets get away from that and start encouraging the good things. Yeah, we know mistakes were made but lets let that go and move on. Work hard to build the trust and confidence. Do your best to be original but original with respect, honor, faith, hard work, and passion.
7. Teens hate when you judge their friends: Parents, how many of you facebook stalk your students friends? The responses I got during this subject was a lack of trust in the students judgement of who they hang out with even when they explain their position and where they stand on their values. We do live in a media driven culture and everything is out in the open and nothing is private anymore. People do tend to show their true nature through social media but that maybe not the whole picture. So its a tuff call on this one to make. Just remember, sometimes you as parents see the bad instead of the good. Sometimes parents see what the student doesn't see and parents know things that the student don't. So work on trusting each other's judgement. But I encourage you parents to get to know the people in your students life personally before you just judge them on a website. And for the students maybe your parents are right about some of the people you do hang out with. Listen to both sides and come to a conclusion.
Nov 12th at 11PM we kicked off the annual Youthrock event known as SLEEPROCK! We stayed up all night long locked inside the facility just having a great night of fun with students and staff. The night kicked off with some free time of just hanging out followed by kind of an orientation of what the plan is for the evening and introducing all the staff that was present for the night. Then we loaded up onto the buses and headed out to California, MO to this barn on some guys property that he let us use. There we roasted hot dogs over a bon fire, drank some hot chocolate and just hanged out for a bit. We loaded back up headed back to the church. We got back and began to play rounds of "Silent Library!" Its based off this show from MTV where there is six competitors and 6 cards. Whoever got the Joker card had to do a certain task without making any noise with in the time frame. We had people eating stuff off the floor, licking Matt Koellings bald head covered with frosting, blowing up a balloon til it pops, building a human pyramid while getting hit by dodge balls.
We played Pastor Mikes new favorite game called Aggie Ball! This is a game where two teams battle to keep the ball in the air and get it to land in their goal line. If it touches the ground on the field, its a dead ball and have to start again. There were bodies hitting the floor, people getting smacked and just absolute chaos trying to bat this beach ball across the gym to their goal line. We have a clip of it up on Youthrock Srfc's facebook page to view it. But after a couple rounds the beach ball didn't make it and we moved on to dodge ball which is always a fun time. We served pancakes for breakfast and watched Toy Story 3 and ended the event. Sleeprock 2010 was a success and lots of fun. I and many others suffered from Sleeprock Hangover the next day. That's where you are on a weird sleeping schedule and your body hurts from the beatings of dodge balls and just feeling lifeless because of no sleep through the night. Can't wait for next years!
We finished "The Proud Family" Series this past Weds night at Youthrock by breaking out into small group discussions. Sometimes you just need to break away from pulpit preaching and just sit down with a group of 10 students and just have an open discussion to give the students a chance to share and discuss topics. Which I personally love when we do this because it gives you the chance to know whats going on in their lives and be able to connect with them on issues. Our topic was on Teens and Parents. We discussed 10 Things Your Teenager Hates About Their Parents.
The 10 things include; 1. Teenagers Hat Inconsistency: Failure to be a consistent model such as "Do as I say, not as I do." How many of us has gotten that from parents? We discussed that teens need to model before parents a consistent spiritual model. Back up your words with action. And if the parents are consistent learn from them.
2. Teens Hate When Parents Act As If They Are Never Wrong: Or I'm the adult. I'm Right! Reality check parents, you are not right all the time and same for the students. Fact is parents can fail and students fail. Make sure to do what the bible says and that is to forgive, forget, and move on. I asked the question how many of you guys held grudges against parents, some hands raised. Then I said who are still holding on to them now? The hands stayed up. I made mention that maybe its time to resolve these issues and put them behind.
The 10 things include; 1. Teenagers Hat Inconsistency: Failure to be a consistent model such as "Do as I say, not as I do." How many of us has gotten that from parents? We discussed that teens need to model before parents a consistent spiritual model. Back up your words with action. And if the parents are consistent learn from them.
2. Teens Hate When Parents Act As If They Are Never Wrong: Or I'm the adult. I'm Right! Reality check parents, you are not right all the time and same for the students. Fact is parents can fail and students fail. Make sure to do what the bible says and that is to forgive, forget, and move on. I asked the question how many of you guys held grudges against parents, some hands raised. Then I said who are still holding on to them now? The hands stayed up. I made mention that maybe its time to resolve these issues and put them behind.
3. Teens Hate Dishonesty. Such phrase like "Because I said so, that's why? Lets face it parents, I always hated that phrase when it was told to me. Give students a reason why and explain your position on this subject it leaves the student curious and wants to find out. Students be open and honest with your parents. And parents be prepared to answer the hard questions. Communication is key to a family and relationships
4. Teens Hate when they can't dream for themselves. Failure to let your student develop a personal identity. Let these kids dream big dreams for their lives. Don't trap them to be what you want them to be. They need to find their personal identity and find where they fit and find what God has purposed for them. Believe me, I've dealt with identity crisis and its not fun. The World isn't looking for a carbon copy of someone else, they are looking for YOU! They want someone original and themselves. Who Are You? What Are Your Skills and Talents? And What Makes You Different/Standout among the pack. Let students discover their identity through God.
5. Teens hate when parents don't acknowledge the good but always brings up the failures. Parents usually take out the stress of life on people and the target is usually the people they are closest too. Parents do love you students and remind them of the things you have done instead of the things you haven't
6. Teens hate that adults refuse to love beyond performance: Such phrases like "Can't you do anything right?" Adults and people in general seem to only remember the wrong things others do instead of the good. Lets get away from that and start encouraging the good things. Yeah, we know mistakes were made but lets let that go and move on. Work hard to build the trust and confidence. Do your best to be original but original with respect, honor, faith, hard work, and passion.
7. Teens hate when you judge their friends: Parents, how many of you facebook stalk your students friends? The responses I got during this subject was a lack of trust in the students judgement of who they hang out with even when they explain their position and where they stand on their values. We do live in a media driven culture and everything is out in the open and nothing is private anymore. People do tend to show their true nature through social media but that maybe not the whole picture. So its a tuff call on this one to make. Just remember, sometimes you as parents see the bad instead of the good. Sometimes parents see what the student doesn't see and parents know things that the student don't. So work on trusting each other's judgement. But I encourage you parents to get to know the people in your students life personally before you just judge them on a website. And for the students maybe your parents are right about some of the people you do hang out with. Listen to both sides and come to a conclusion.
8. Teens hate that perfection is the requirement: Failure to give teens the right to fail. Lets face it, we all have failed. But lets not let failure stop you from achieving your goals and dreams. Learn and grow from mistakes. Ask and seek forgiveness and forgive those who wronged you. God used many people in the bible who were failures and not perfect. But most importantly seek forgiveness from God when you do wrong. Parents when students do wrong embrace them and love them and encourage them. Acknowledge what was wrong and learn from it and move forward.
9. Teens hate that they can't ask questions: Please be open to discuss subjects with your teen. They need you to listen to them and you be their for them. Communication is key to relationships. Be ready to answer some hard questions. And number 10 is Teens hate that they can't ever come first. Make time with your child and at the same time teens need to make time for family. Have that personal time and communicate. Know whats going on in each others lives as a family! So there you have it. Ten Things Teens Hate About Parents! Students always remember that the parents are the head of the house and you to honor them even when its hard. Work with your parents. They may not be perfect and will fail at times but continue to build relationships with your parents and work on these areas with them. Communicate with each other!
For any question and comments on this send them to
Coming up this Sunday at 4 to 5:30PM is Youthrock Life Teams. We encourage you to be apart of this and join in on the conversation/discussion with our lessons. There is always a fun time with YR Life Teams. We have games, sometimes food, sometimes we go off campus and more. Its a great way to learn and grow in your relationship with Christ!
On December 15, Youthrock is turning the mic over to an up and coming rap artist by the name "Da Mac!" He will be coming in to share his testimony and performing his music with you. Join us on this night and bring out your friends, you don't want to miss this. We will post more information about this guy in the upcoming Axxess as we draw near to this date. You can visit this website and look him up and sample his music.
Solid Rock Family Church
Youthrock Teen Ministries
508 Hunters Run Road
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-893-4609
Email: for iTunes and Facebook
Youth Pastors
Mike & Tara Koelling
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
YR Axxess 11-11-2010
Youthrock kicked off its newest 2 week series called "The Proud Family." Pastor Mike kicks off this question of "What do you live for?" Hmm.... Something to think about honestly. Do you live to make yourself proud, to make others proud, to inspire or degrade, discourage, and disappoint them? What do you live for? The next party? the next facebook status update? (Don't hate on Youthrocks status updates now) The next relationship? The next high? The next anger filled selfish tantrum? What do you live for? We hope somewhere in there you would say that you live for your family. Family is important. It takes time, it takes energy, it takes commitment, it takes building relationships with your family members. Your relationship with your family is a great witness to the world. Witness as in modeling Jesus Christ to the lives of others. God intended the homes to be a spiritual, stability, humility, sincerity, and purity type of a home. But lets face it not everyone's home is like that or even close to it. We all struggle. We all have family issues.
The choice now is to give back to God in everything you do. Serving him through loving, teaching, training, forgiving and equipping the family. Galatians 5:16-24 gives a run down of what the sinful nature produces and what the Holy Spirit produces. We are either producing garbage or we are producing fruits of the spirit such as love, joy, peace, patients, kindness, and so on in the family and as an individual. These fruits in our lives should prove that we serve God and that we are a Christian. Our actions are important when it comes to faith. You can say everyday that you love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength but mistreat yourself, your family, your friends, or the world and we'll know you're a liar. 1 John 3:14-19(check out this passage)
God said in his word to love. Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love is not just a virtue, but the basis for all being (God is Love) and the foundation for all divine law (such as the golden rule) Christians love. Christians love their families, their friends, their enemies, and the world! God plants love inside of us and us spending time in His presence will make that love grow! Christ's love is not performance based. His love is perfect, His love is honest, true, and pure. He showed us His love by dying for us and sacrificing His all!
No Family is perfect. Although we should desire to be as perfect as we can while allowing God to make changes in us is just the beginning. Ask God to make the changes and He will show you what needs to be changed and then He'll allow you the opportunities to change. He will never stop making changes in you. God changes you through worship, through reading God's word, through serving, through giving, through fasting, and through His creation...people! (1 John 1:5,6 1 John 4:17-21)
The choice now is to give back to God in everything you do. Serving him through loving, teaching, training, forgiving and equipping the family. Galatians 5:16-24 gives a run down of what the sinful nature produces and what the Holy Spirit produces. We are either producing garbage or we are producing fruits of the spirit such as love, joy, peace, patients, kindness, and so on in the family and as an individual. These fruits in our lives should prove that we serve God and that we are a Christian. Our actions are important when it comes to faith. You can say everyday that you love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength but mistreat yourself, your family, your friends, or the world and we'll know you're a liar. 1 John 3:14-19(check out this passage)
God said in his word to love. Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love is not just a virtue, but the basis for all being (God is Love) and the foundation for all divine law (such as the golden rule) Christians love. Christians love their families, their friends, their enemies, and the world! God plants love inside of us and us spending time in His presence will make that love grow! Christ's love is not performance based. His love is perfect, His love is honest, true, and pure. He showed us His love by dying for us and sacrificing His all!
No Family is perfect. Although we should desire to be as perfect as we can while allowing God to make changes in us is just the beginning. Ask God to make the changes and He will show you what needs to be changed and then He'll allow you the opportunities to change. He will never stop making changes in you. God changes you through worship, through reading God's word, through serving, through giving, through fasting, and through His creation...people! (1 John 1:5,6 1 John 4:17-21)
This past Sunday Youthrock Life Team met up at 4PM in Youthrock. We went over Pastor Mike’s sermon on Dead Man Walking. First we kicked off with a game that involved Legos. That’s right, Legos. The concept of the game is as follows:
3 teams of 3 people
1 person has a picture of the lego structure and cannot show any one what it looks like. That person has to describe to the runner (person number 2) how to build it without showing the structure.
The runner has to run to person 3 (The Builder) on how to build the lego structure without helping just communicating where the pieces goes according to the instructor.
This game took us 30 mins and a couple of the teams were missing some pieces and couldn’t get it complete which was an honest mistake but was pretty funny. So we did a retry with a different design after the lesson with all the right pieces.
The Lesson we discussed about how the Romans punished murders by strapping the dead body that the murder killed on to the murderer. We talked about how difficult life would be having a dead body strapped to you. We tied that in with the sin in our life that we end up strapping on us that holds us down and leads to a road of destruction. We discussed ways how to break free from these things and how to stay free from those things.
Then we talked about the game, saying that when you don’t have the right pieces or resources to get the task done, not having the right people in your life to help you and not having the right source for answers things will get crazy in life. Even though it was an accident that the lego pieces were miscounted and caused such confusion and chaos it worked well with the lesson.
We have this and more every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month with Youthrock Life Teams. Come be a part of fun activities, open discussions where you can ask the questions and talk about stuff that goes on in your life. We encourage you students to be a part of this awesome discipleship class.
You can catch the sermon on the Youthrock iTunes podcast that is FREE!!!! This one is a must have download and will be available within the coming days. Also check out the dance team’s video that kicked off the series on Youthrocks facebook! Next week more cool stuff are on the way for week 2
You can catch the sermon on the Youthrock iTunes podcast that is FREE!!!! This one is a must have download and will be available within the coming days. Also check out the dance team’s video that kicked off the series on Youthrocks facebook! Next week more cool stuff are on the way for week 2
Are you coming to Sleeprock this Friday Nov 5th at 11PM? If not your missing out on a great fun filled time. This Friday night we will be hosting the annual Sleeprock! This year’s event will feature the dreaded game and Pastor Mike’s personal favorite, AGGY BALL! And there will be no medicine balls this time and cause injuries on the field. We will also be going off campus to California, MO to a big open Barn. Flash Lights may be needed if you’re scared of the Dark! There will be food, music, and so much more. Maybe a little Silent Library in the mix!
The Cost is $10 plus Permission Slip is required with Parents Signature! Event kicks off at 11PM and ends at 7AM Saturday Morning. Please Parents be here at 7AM to pick up your kids! Buses Will NOT Be Provided! We will have a complete review and rundown of SLEEPROCK next week!
Solid Rock Family Church
Youthrock Teen Ministries
508 Hunters Run Road
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-893-4609
Email: for iTunes and Facebook
Youth Pastors
Mike & Tara Koelling
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